Please use our public bugtracker to report issues:
- Tartarus arena chests now always drop gold
- Tartarus arena chests now also drop potions
- Tweaked Tartarus monster spawns
- Added some bonus hero spawns to Tartarus
- Fixed excessive MI drops on Coral and Hesperide Mages
- Increased chance of Triton MI weapon skills activating
- Redfist Daggers now grant Double Slash (instead of Dual Wield)
- All Atlantis items now properly use Atlantis affix tables
- Turned down frequency of "Tinkerer" afffix drops per item
- Cut off T7 skill connectors in the base game (fix follows)
- Increased XP rewards for large enemies
- Increased population of Snakes & Vultures
- Tweaked Cokcatrice colors
- Tweaked Atlantis chest names
- Fixed gray Siren textures
- Fixed Harpy assets from Ragnarök
- Fixed Primrose assets from Ragnarök
Changed files in this update