Cross platform multiplayer
- A new networking system has been put in place which will allow cross platform multiplayer.
- SIDE EFFECT : Users that own the demo are now able to play with users that own the full version. - few things need to be corrected but the communication should work.
Gameplay changes
- [Treasure Hunter][Hoarder] Increase cooldowns to 80s / 75s / 70s
- [Treasure Hunter][Hoarder] INcreased the delay between hoarder (level 1/2/3 -> 3s, 2.5s, 2s);
- [Time Lord] his shooting is now influenced by the time resistance
- [Time Lord] [Smoke missile] has been change into [Time dust] - visual effect is the same but Time dust will now temporarily grant friendly heroes Time lords [Time Resistance]
Changed files in this update