Alright. “following weeks” turned into “months” and we went underground to make sure the next time we wrote something was precisely when announcing the new patch. Which in hindsight wasn’t the best idea as this resulted in the longest spell of silence on our end.
After last patch we began working on three things at the same time – a new, reworked demo that we showed during ’19 PAX East (and one that will be available at a later date), a new batch of fixes including the oft requested new difficulty level, and a bunch of new cosmetic features for the game that coalesced into something more substantial.
Unfortunately this all happened at the same time and we did not choose the juggling order. Or perhaps choose it poorly, as the work on each started before the previous task was finished. As you realise Buckshot is actually one man army programming wise and this proved to be too much.
In short – we planned poorly, work started on all three, eventually so did the Q&A and this amounted to a torrent of things that needed to be incorporated at the same time. Which lead to cycles of bug squashing, resubmitting and reworking things that seemed to never end. Until yesterday.
So: The patch is launching today.
The demo should be available in June.
The cosmetic coalescence – a bit after that.
Without further ado:
v1.0.1.0 Changelog
- Added new difficulty level
- Balanced the starting area of E1M1
- Balanced the after-elevator-area in E1M1 after getting the yellow key
- Improved the hitbox of Ceiling Decorations in Medieval setting
- Improved the hitbox of the Street Lamps in Industrial setting
- Adjusted the time before "press any key" is activated after a level is finished
- Adjusted thorn bushes in Cemetery to better show its damage state and to minimize confusion
- Adjusted font size in difficulty description window
- Changed the Hardcore Difficulty icon in Difficulty menu to fit the achievements icon
- Fixed a bug where CRT shader settings would not save between the levels
- Fixed a bug where look would not work on a gamepad
- Fixed a bug where the player could not view the stages info in the roadmap with the controller
- Fixed a bug where the player could not buy perks with the controller
- Fixed a bug where the player could not select pause menu options after death
- Fixed a bug where "Controls" title would not be translated to other languages in main menu
- Fixed a bug where value for "Curve" in CRT Shader would not display properly
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to bring up the Main Menu while loading the game
- Fixed an exploit where enemies could boost the player up to skip the red key in E2M1
- Fixed a bug where enemies could not enter the tunnel in E2M1
- Fixed a bug where the game would render unresponsive due to pause menu when alt+tabbing the game in the pre-mission screen
- Fixed a small texture flicker in E5M9
- Fixed a bug where player score would not be properly displayed at intermission screen
- Fixed a bug where grave decorations that are not destroyable would have collision with the player
- Fixed texture flicker in E5M1 for the secret doors
- Fixed a misplaced wall texture in E1M2
- Fixed missing wall textures in E5M2
- Fixed a bug where gallery tab would not close the previously opened art on pressing the "esc" button
- Fixed the missing minimap in E5M11
- Fixed a bug where camera would clip through lava in E5M11
- Removed redundant double "You Died" message on death
- Fixed a bug where the minigun turret would not attack the evil seal
- Fixed a visual bug where the firelance would not display the VFX correctly when aimed to the sky
- Fixed an UI selection bug for the confirmation window when buying upgrades
- Fixed various blockers where the player would not be able to get out of a room when the player got over the wall through collision exploits in E5
- Fixed a bug where the evil seal would not be visible from its other side
- Fixed a bug where player would be moved up upon collision with enemies
Changed files in this update