Another little patch this week, which would typically be a hotfix post if not for the sneaky little addition of the Arc Welder. It'll take a lot of power, but is significantly less prone to exploding. You'll still have plenty of time to explode though, as the materials to craft this won't be available to you until you've been able to smelt some of the more advanced alloys.
Hotfix Info
The most impactful bug we're patching is one where eating something will result in you hearing yourself eating that thing forever, even after loading a new world - and nobody likes a loud eater. Sorry for this one, and doubly sorry it took so long to get the fix across to the main branch!
Work in Progress
Work continues on the Rover and Trading features planned to be live on beta in the very near future, with the Rover just getting an audio pass and some tweaks on some extra features besides just personnel transport. You're able to take the Rover for a spin already if you wish, it can be spawned in creative mode. Keep in mind this is still very much in testing though, so let us know in Discord if you encounter any bugs.
Version 0.2.2001.9148
Added Arc Welding tool. This is a welding tool that uses power, rather than fuel, to weld. Useful for late game. Requires advanced resources, constructed from Tool Manufactory.
Updated Localization Files (Current 14th May).
Added event so that scenario authors can trigger events based on suit temperature changes.
Added event so that scenario authors can set entity nutrition levels.
Fixed null reference exception when displaying tooltip over a structure while holding non-item thing in your hands.
Fixed Error caused when the game couldn't find a player to attach a 'harvested' sound to (in the case of Automated Hydroponics etc). [thanks Eearslya]
Fixed Error on Dedicated Server when it tries to process its own notice message due to not having the same type of chat window as clients. [thanks Eearslya]
Fixed stuck in loading screen when there is a duplicated recipe in ChemistryStation, Microwave, PaintMixer, ReagentProcessor.
Fixed incorrect interaction cursor. It displayed wrong interaction cursor when picking up an item into an empty hand.
Fixed hidden slots items [Thanks Risu]
Fixed null reference exception when reloading world mod on workshop. It didn't clear cached data.
Fixed client unable to destroy with Authoring tool fix.
Changed files in this update