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>//:System.Hack update for 13 May 2019

It's Update Time!

Share · View all patches · Build 3818571 · Last edited 13 May 2019 – 14:55:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

It's been 2 years now since this game first went into early access. Wow, how the time flies. So this update is a big one. It started with what seemed like a small change, but in order to change that one thing, I needed to update a couple other things. Each one of those changes rippled out and affected something else, and so on and so on. I did my best to keep patch notes as I went, but I'm sure I missed something. Almost everything got tweaked, changed, or rebuilt in this update.

Biggest thing you may notice is an overhaul of the graphics. I added new particle effects to the different subroutines, an animation for executing programs, updated the Avatar model and every single IC. The real world model was swapped out, and the bunker got some new furniture and a small renovation.

Some bad news... The update shouldn't exactly break your existing saved game, except for your programs won't work, but you can still sell them and make new ones. The new tutorials will also not show up in an existing save.

I spend an extra week just playing and bug-fixing this update to try and make it as stable as possible, but as always there's a good chance some bugs slipped through or something is out-of-balance and needs tweaking. If anything catches your eye let me know!

Change Log

  • Redesigned the random system generator. There are now more possible permutations of system layouts, however there is only a single style (for now).
  • Thanks to the new generator, there are now wandering IC patrols in higher security areas. Patrols are effectively mobile checkpoints that demand authorizations to be bypassed normally; or you can try and deceive them via a Root Access command that forces a Masking + Stealth test.
  • Checkpoints now stop the player. If you want to sneak through you can attempt it using the "BypassCheckpoint" command, or breakthrough and trigger the IC with "CrashCheckpoint".
  • Root Access window now closes after using the log_editor command.
  • Root Access commands no longer require [ ] brackets, and many commands have been trimmed. For example, "Run [SystemReboot]" is now "RebootSystem".
  • Passbreaker now shows a maximum of 6 previous entries, up from 5. If you can't crack the password within 6 tries, you're doing it wrong.
  • Passbreaker no longer gives static chances, but has a % chance per try that IC will be triggered.
  • Ravencore now offers (2+ Network Rating) contracts at a time. This means there will be a minimum of 3 contracts to choose from in the beginning, with a maximum of 7 when Network is fully upgraded.
  • Redesigned the contract generator. Job distribution is determined by the difficulty of the system, and the difficulty of the contract type. A medium-level contract could be a difficult job (such as crashing a CPU) in an easy system (such as a storage system); or an easy job (such as downloading system logs) in a difficult system (such as a bank).
  • Added 12 new node types. Some are specific to system types making them feel more unique, such as the "Traffic Summary" node in a web-store system. While others are more general, such as the "Fire Suppression Slave" encountered in any system associated with a large building.
  • Added 9 new contracts to generated pool.
  • Every new rank in Ravencore will now unlock possible system targets, such as web-stores, real-world businesses, hospitals, factories, corporate headquarters, etc. New ranks will also unlock more difficult objectives in already unlocked system types (see above).
  • Files in the Internal Reports and Traffic Summary nodes are now sorted chronologically.
  • Added a prototype version of 3rd person. Toggle view with "T" key by default. Only works in the Net.
  • Utilized some AAA Paragon Assets, swapping out the player Avatar and some NPC's.
  • Replaced the real world player-character model, and updated it's animations.
  • Updated the bunker environment. Moved things around, changed out some assets, and closed of some sections.
  • Updated the logging in cut-scene and the waking up cut-scene.
  • Updated program execution animations and special effects.
  • Updated several misc. animations.
  • Replaced all of the current IC with 9 new varients, from 3 broad groups; Destroyers, Sentries, and Barriers. Each IC type is easier to defeat if handled in certain ways.
  • Added the KeyCode UVP, along with a new mini-game and subroutine. KeyCode UVP only appear in high security nodes in place of the normal password UVP.
  • Nerfed the Dataminer subroutine so it will trigger one time only at the end of combat.
  • BruteForceAttack no longer stuns IC.
  • Reworked program execution. Programs no longer have a rating. Instead each subroutine has an individual rating, and is tested individually when the program is executed.
  • Reworked how combat works, minimizing RNG and focusing on static numbers. For example: when using a Disruption subroutine, you will inflict a number of Tags equal to (Virtual Combat + Subroutine Rating) - IC Firewall. With that number capped at the subroutine rating. Virtual Combat helps overcome the Firewall, but doesn't increase the effect of the program.
  • Reworked ORACLE to use the new system. Functionally it remains very similar, but with the new system all costs (Heat, CPU, complexity, and $$$) now increase exponentially instead of linearly. A rating 4 subroutine will cost twice as much as a rating 3 subroutine, and a rating 5 subroutine will cost twice as much as a rating 4 subroutine.
  • You are currently unable to pay off your million dollar debt to Monarch. I will address it in a future update.
  • Updated the Mods.
  • Updated all the Perks.
  • Updated the tutorials.
  • Fixed a bug where the out-of-combat sound effect volume wasn't affected by the setting in the option menu.
  • Fixed the RootAccess not opening with the Enter key shortcut.
  • Fixed a bug with certain Slave node "files" being downloadable
  • Fixed a bug where Valentino's chatbox wouldn't reappear if you logged out of the aptitude test and re-entered.

The next update will be focused on player motivation. I'll be introducing "the Gauntlet", a weekly activity in Haven where you can compete to earn creds and recognition. The update will also allow you to sink creds into you bunker to clean it up, expand it, and add furniture (for aesthetics and tangible effects).

After that I'll be overhauling the company management functions, adding more content, introducing side-quests, and rolling out the main story.

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