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SURV1V3 update for 12 May 2019

New release and Chapter 3 Sneak Peek 02

Share · View all patches · Build 3815974 · Last edited 12 May 2019 – 13:00:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hola survivors!

A new sneak peek from Nowhere...
We are proud to present the old, huge, fully explorable, damn scary, school!
Please comment!👍

For now some other tweaks and fixed bugs. Enjoy!

Release slide button

Controls have been changed to let players release the slide just using a button. To achieve that just:

  • move thumbstick up and press (oculus)
  • press touchpad up (vive)
  • press touchpad right (wmr)

To toggle fire mode (single/burst), just do the same combination but once pressed, hold if for 0.6 secs or until you hear the "click" sound :gun_pistol:

Better AI

Old zeds AI was recognizing players footsteps as human even if they were using zombie stew and moving slowly.
With the new AI model, zeds won't be triggered by your footsteps while faking zed with zombie stew, just pay attention to not say anything on your mic (zeds don't speak).

Performance, performance, performance!

Some users with old, low-end hard disk were reporting some stuttering while moving around in Santa Carla.
We've reworked streaming algorithm in order to reduce CPU spikes, this should greatly help! Let us know! :inflammable_barrel:

Oculus Dashboard and ASW2.0

Game is now exporting geometry depth information enabling oculus dashboard overlay and ASW2.0.
Click here for more.


We're also releasing some reported bugs (thanks all for pointing them out!) :drill_picklock:
Check the full list below!


New features & tweaks:

  • oculus: dash overlay support and ASW 2.0
  • ai: when using zombie stew, player footsteps and moaning won't trigger zeds anymore
  • inventory: moving tablet attachment position back in order to avoid involuntary grips
  • performances: game stutters when loading/unloading levels on machines with a slow hdd
  • gameplay: when player dies all the dropped ammo won't disappear immediately, all dropped weapons/ammo/aid sprays/zombie stews will despawn after 10 minutes
  • controls: thumbstick/touchpad up (right on wmr) and press will release the slide, while thumbstick/touchpad up (right on wmr), press and keep pressed for 0.6 secs will change weapon fire mode

Fixed bugs:

  • gameplay: objects can sometimes attach to player feet
  • ai: clients can't be damaged by zeds if the host is far from them
  • gameplay: shooting the zombie needed for selecting the game mode should start a mission, but sometimes it just does nothing
  • sewers: getting on the very edge of the tube bridge, player can press the button on the platform making it move
  • santa carla: in a safe house there's a gun in the top middle of the table that spawns but you can’t reach it
  • santa carla: player can get into Hotel office through the window
  • steam: pipe trap stat is not working
  • controls: when playing with sitting position setting, after crouching player legs can sometimes overlap the ground
  • zeds: in trials mode, zeds with helmets shouldn't fly when kneecapped

To get in touch with us, just drop a line on discussions forum or join our discord channel.
As always, feedbacks are welcome!

Windows 64-bit SURV1V3 -REL- Depot Depot 722183
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