Hi everyone! Here are the patch notes for the version v0.6.02b11. For this update, we prioritized getting what we already have in the game to a better state, in general. That means that we prioritized bug fixes and enhancements over new features. Those tagged as [COM] were issues reported by the community, and we thank you all for that.
An interesting fact about our Early Access release is that, until the moment of this update, more than half of it's purchases were made in Asian countries! The reasons behind that are still unclear to us, but it made us rethink our plans of dealing with language and translations only closer to the full release.
But to do that while we create new features and items every week without having half of the game's translation regularly outdated and broken is challenging, to say the least. We decided to approach this as we did with GoPP and enable the community to change the language files until we get to a more stable build and translate it in a professional level.
This feature is still not available to the players, but If you want to help the community with a new language as soon as we release it, you can join our discussions at our Discord server. We have a channel called #oos-localization especially for announcements, suggestions and chat around this feature.
A new track for one of the game's music layers was added. This makes the transition between the early and the late game's music less abrupt.
The Salad Bowl, a new fruit-based food, was added to the game. The chicken is now made by placing aliens in the microwave (eww). But seriously, we felt like we needed more choices regarding the act of eating and allowing the aliens to be cooked doubled the number of possibilities for the players.
Now the room's fog is working with 3 states: When the room is totally closed, when it is powered off, and when it is on. This further helps us communicate the consequences of removing a battery from a socket, for example.
New animation where the truck leaves the house's porch after "dropping" the players there. This is a first step towards using the truck as context for the shop delivery in the future.
The doors were changed so they don't visually go through the walls when open. That was more of a visual issue that bothered us for quite some time, but we are sure some will agree they strongly affected our perception of the game's level of polishing.
- Cooking a fruit now results in a Salad, instead of the vegan alien.
- Hunger rebalanced for the addition of the Salad, that can be used twice. Chickens can now be used 4 times instead of 3.
- Food-related values changed:
- max hunger: 280 -> 300
- fruit: 50 (1/2/3/4 players)
- salad: recovers 120 (1 player), 100 (2/3/4 players)
- chicken: recovers 180 (1 player), 150 (2/3/4 players)
- Settings window with new layout.
- Now it's possible to change Refresh Rate and Language in the settings window.
- Fixed screen canvas anchor for 4:3 aspect ratio and ultra wide monitors. The game should look as intended in those monitors now.
- Kitchen Table is no longer transparent.
- Cleaning Robot now reaches rooms further away from its base and he always comes back to cleaning after recharging.
- Alien eggs now always spawn on the right side of the door.
- Victory title screen adjusted.
- [COM]: Now it is possible to give food/items on players who passed out while they interacted with something.
- [COM] Rooms no longer have a chance to spawn without doors.
- [COM] Items don't float on an invisible ceiling anymore.
- [COM] Characters can no longer walk through the shower while it is being used.
- [COM] Any given resolution only appears once in the setting screen, instead of having repeated options.
- [COM] The timer for manually opened doors now pause with the game.
- [COM] Powered doors no longer shake as if they were about to close.
- [COM] Audio settings no longer reset when the game restarts.
- [COM] The sound effect of the door opening no longer plays at the start of the game (finally).
- [COM] The sink no longer destroys the bucket when it gets dirty. Instead, the bucket over the dirty sink becomes not intractable.
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Changed files in this update