Greetings community
We took a big bite these few weeks and changed the main character. It was a necessary step before adding char customization. We prepared male and female and it will be added with one of the next updates.
- Fixed Master Volume isn't working correctly
- Adjusted Volume of Footstep, Impact and Ambient sounds
- Fixed that the Audio slider changed the Volume to 10000% at 100%
- Boar
- Packs with youngling
- Pack Leader attacks the player if player chases or attacks the youngling
- Drinking water - will go to river overtime
- New Animations - Drinking water
- Crab
- New animations - Walk, Idle
- Complete body movement in all directions
- Crouch
- Pickup
- Hold Tool
- Swing Tool Axe/Pickaxe/Hammer/Knife
- Swing Tool Impact Axe/Pickaxe/Hammer
- Swim Idle
- Swim Move
- Firestarter
- Bow
- Pot water pickup
- Added 3 type of fences
- Added 3 variations of roof
- Added building decorations - 2 table variations and chair
- Changed color of the number's on structure tooltip for easier reading
- Reworked Bow - Right click for Aim | R to cancel Draw
- Changed Powered crusher mesh
- Added Cuttable logs to Sawmill (2m,1m)
- Pine
- Cocos
- Show chat for some seconds when receiving a new message
- Torches now get attached to players hip and on Backpack
- Added offset to Building Tooltip
- A lot longer day cycle and shorter nights
- Hide Hotbar while in Building mode
- Tweaked building part's
- Fixed stairs don't match with the second floor and going through walls
- Door frame snapping
- Window frame snapping
- Extruded Foundation's to match ground
- Tweaked doorway and window frame
- Fixed ceiling texture's
- Clay door frame doesn't match doors
- Worm - Max stack 10
- Green and brown Coconut - Max stack 3
- Coconut halves - Max stack 6
- Plank storage - Can be moved
- Pine cones - Max stack 10
- Compost - Max stack 5
- Fixed - Crab collider blocks movement
- Fixed Birds move in straight lines way too long
- Tweaked birds takeoff time
- Fixed - Crab spawns mesh on death, it looks like there are 2 crabs.
- Added Start icon
- Added Game Icon
- Added Game splash
- Fixed loading screen between menu and main map
- Fixed that the input mode was wrong after closing the Pause menu while the Inventory was open
- Fixed that PlayTime of a savegame wasn't always correct
- Fixed floating grass on certain spots on the map
- Fixed Icon's
- Crab
- Pine logs
- Pine cones
- Fixed Torch not decreasing durability while it's on ground
- Fixed that you couldn't close Inventory after pressing on the Craft button
- Fixed that you couldn't move Station if the ghost mesh is colliding with its previous position
- Fixed - Two hand saw blade size
- Fixed that the Chat is changing the Input mode
- Fixed - Pine cone unvisible
- Fixed that the Client cant send messages via Chat.
- Fixed - Saw doesn't block other items
- Fixed - Farm plot not saving and growing correctly
- Fixed not being able to close the Pause Menu with ESC until you hovered over a button
- Fixed pressing ESC to close the inventory not working
- Fixed Farm plot isn't starting growing
- Fixed Sawmill and Cutablelogs isn't saving correctly
- Fixed Sawmill platform stuck when you turn it off while the platform is moving back
- Fixed Client not receiving Buildings 'RawData' when the server has loaded a save(Retroactive)
- Fixed - Main Menu doesn't work properly on certain resolutions
- Fixed Host Player not loading its PlayerData
- Fixed Glowing stick
- Fixed Menu Ambient sound doesn't recognize Audio settings
- UI polish
- Fixed missing parts after load - Powered crusher, Grindstone
- Fixed that you could pick up more compost from the composter than you can hold
- Fixed that it was possible to pick up stations sometimes - Farm plot, Composter
- Fixed Arrow is rotating in hand
- Fixed Nearby widget is overlapping with Key Info
- Fixed - Gear shaft visible before built
- Fixed - Broadleaf tree changing mesh after the first cut
- Fixed - Camera moves backward overtime
Changed files in this update