Sorry, we found an issue in this update. If you start SteamVR without turning on the controllers, the DailyVR Logo show/hidden feature does not work. Now the workaround will be turning on the controllers first and then run DailyVR or re-run DailyVR if the feature doesn't work. We will fix it ASAP.
Have you felt the not so good performance of DailyVR?
We've fixed it!
Before: (Look carefully at the DailyVR icon on the controller.)
After: (Look carefully at the DailyVR icon on the controller.)
And one more thing is:
DailyVR now supports binding to the HMD!
[New feature]
- Binding overlay to the headset.
[Bug fixed]
- Bad performance of overlay binding
- Bad performance when you are using input on overlay
- [WMR] DailyVR main panel flashes when controllers don't turn on.
- [WMR] DailyVR main panel disappears when the detection of controllers is not stable.
We heard your feedback. We are working on "Multiple CustomApp", "Channel switch for CustomApp" and keyboard improvement.
Join DailyVR Discord and share your feedback with us!
Changed files in this update