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Darkest Depths update for 8 May 2019

More levels, Gun Clipping

Share · View all patches · Build 3804795 · Last edited 8 May 2019 – 15:35:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Your guns shouldn't clip into walls nearly as much any more.

Two more large levels. One is from the level 2 tileset that I removed. I will try to convert all of those levels over in the next few days.

Some stuff in these levels - like the pistons are using programmer art. I feel like I'd rather add more content than less and polish it up as I go.

If you bought the game thanks so much but you're on a wild ride of rapid prototyping with me. :P As I develop I love to just throw ideas into the game and add, tweak and remove based on player feedback. The game entered Early Access after the majority of the prototyping was finished but I really want to push what we can do with the platforming. If you hate a rotating floor let me know! I take every single player's input into consideration. I had planned to do Early Access with the intention of starting small and growing a community around people who enjoy the game and building it up around them, you.

Windows Darkest Depths Content Depot 1041131
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