StudioFriends: ShotKill-Update 0.0.2
Hi all,
Update - 0.0.2
- You have to create the account again
New Content-
- Add the post-process effects options in Main Menu.
- Add a new algorithm for bots detects near enemy's efficiently, the algorithm calculate nearest nodes that are in the "visual" angle of the bot, making the game play with them more realistic and fun
- Add bar health for Bot
- Add a new Menu Lobby design
- Add Now players receive coins/money after match finish, the amount that they get is calculated by kills, time played and win the match.
- Add Match Resume, now when the match finish, a screen will appear with the player match stats resume instead of return to the lobby instantly.
Improvements/Changes -
- Update version unity for version 2018.3.8f1
- Upgrade Multiplayer_to PUN2/Photon
- Improve: Now player scoreboard list is ordered ascendant by the score of the player or bot.
- Improve: Now the bot name is draw above head for bots in the same team of the local player.
- Improve: Now detect head shots in bots, and players receive the headshot bonus score for it.
- Improve: Now final score earned is calculated by kills, head shots, time played and win or not the game
- Optimize various scripts which significantly improved the over all game play performance
More Fixes/Improvements -
- Fixed Pick up UI don't disappear if the player is inside of the trigger and this is automatically destroyed or pick up by other player
- Fixed Can't damage bots with knife
- Fixed Bots statistics in scoreboard was only visible for Master Client
- Fixed Bots shoot at target when there's a obstacle between they
- Fixed Bots scoreboard info doesn't disappear after this is replace by a player
- Fixed Bots do not receive damage from Molotov
- Fixed Scoreboard don't update when open the scoreboard with (TAB) key just when open the whole menu (Scape)
- Fixed Explosion damage apply to each body part of the bots which cause that they always die no matter the distance from explosion
- Fixed Virtual coins not begin properly update after match finish.
Discord -
Thanks for your support!
Changed files in this update