- Updated the PvP information to explain the new changes in the matchmaking.
- Card artwork quality increased
- Prinz Eugen (Diamond) has now the correct reinforce ability in all tiers.
- 109th Division now has the proper crafting material.
- Fixed an issue with Taking Command and Guerrilla Warfare while creating a Deck.
- “Open 1 Scout Chest” quest now properly works when you open the chest.
- You can now claim the quest “Craft 10 Cards”.
- Fixed an issue with abilities that affect cards on the same lane such as Perfect Sniper and Shock when they are triggered from the Support Lane with a friendly card on the Attack Lane.
- Fixed an issue with combat abilities such as Bomber or Death Flames while fighting from the Support Lane.
- Well Equipped now only reduces one Action Point the cost of items instead of free.
- Fixed an issue with the Raid Status Interface.
- The notification icon on the Battle Pass button now vanishes when there's nothing to claim.
- Jagdeschwader 11 (Diamond) uses now the proper crafting materials.
- B. of Remagen and B. of Rhine quests now are correctly awarded when you complete the specific raids.
Changed files in this update