Hey everyone!
A lot of small updates lately, and here's another one.
There will probably only be one more of these until the next large-ish update (0.93.0) is ready.
As always, thanks for reports, suggestions, and comments!
- Tome of Knowledge now stacks up to 100 times
- Added the new hero screen and class info to localization files (menu file)
- Added waypoint interface to localization
- Improved efficiency of collision detection of projectiles
- Chests now spit out loot more rapidly when you have strict filters and have enabled the option to remove filtered out items from the game world
- Random Anomaly portals should now spawn away from nearby interactable objects like shrines and chests
- Adjusted size of "click boxes" of some larger interactable objects as they would partially cover nearby smaller objects
- Fixed Wolf Tooth Necklace (Warden) incorrectly applying its effect to all companions
- Fixed quest update texts on-screen being drawn weirdly
- Fixed a set item typo
- Fixed text position problems in confirmation dialogues, boss intros, inventory, shrine tooltips, speech bubbles, and the character creation screen
- Fixed speech bubbles being too small sometimes
- Fixed loot filter filtering out TL items if they were unchecked for radial loot
- Fixed killstreak bonuses using the difficulty and mf/crystal stats at the end of the streak, rather than at the time of kill, to determine bonuses (so it's now safe to jump back to tinka's before the killstreak ends)
- Fixed issue where the game would in some cases confuse hardcore and standard character global data
- Fixed issue where if the save wasn't done quick enough, it might fail
- Fixed issue where in some cases global data wouldn't save properly when quitting to desktop
- Fixed the controllers notice going behind buttons on the menu
Changed files in this update