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Defendion update for 6 May 2019

Update 16 - Ballista

Share · View all patches · Build 3798328 · Last edited 6 May 2019 – 19:35:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

What's new:

  • New tower - Ballista with all 5 level upgrades It has high firerate and speed rotation but low damage and it shoot only flying enemies (that is bats and the mage). You don't have to buy it as you already have 4 towers on the battleboard. It cannot be destroyed.

    Base damage 0.5, rotation speed - 10. firerate - 1 sec, start upgrade price - 250

  • Rotation: now you can rotate yourself using right controller thumbstick on 90 degrees, left controller thumbstick is for moving around (left, right forward, back)

    Pressing thumbstick on both controllers is still teleporting

  • now firerate of arrowed tower will be change with each upgrade for 0.1 (cap is 0.5)

  • now towers price will increase for 5 coins each level

  • now towers upgrade price will increase for half base price each level (e.g. flaming tower upgrade from 0 to 1 costs 300 coins, ugrade from 1 to 2 will cost 450 coins, from 2 to 3 - 600 coins)

  • added a new socket for animation gripping cannon lvl 3 and higher

  • now you turn on/off the Orca's mask - just touch her face

Changes and fixes:

  • fixed that the cups didn't return to the table when throwing it on the floor
  • fixed that tutorial castle couldn't be damaged
  • fixed that placing the Flaming tower lvl 4 on the battleboard made it invisible
  • now when you start the waves on Traininng level the background music will stop playing
  • rewritten ai of enemies on Demo-table on training level
  • now bats have its base health equal 1 point. You still can catch them to kill at once.
  • now the tower book shows upgrades for firerates, price etc.
  • changed the socket for holding the swords in the castle
  • other minor changes

NOTICE: now we have new input system so if any action doesn't work for you because of you played the older versions then go to C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\TDVR\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor and delete the file Input.ini
After launching the game it will appear again with updated settings.

Defendion Content Depot 848711
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