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Border Officer update for 6 May 2019

New Update v0.4 - Mysterious man

Share · View all patches · Build 3797787 · Last edited 6 May 2019 – 15:25:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Someone moved to the opposite land. He is very aggressive and protects his property.
You can go home and steal some things. But you have to be careful. It's best not to get involved with this guy.
New music added.

Added some hitchhiking people on the way.
If you leave hitchhikers where they want, they can give you money.
A lower panel has been added to show you what people are saying.
Radio added to the car. You can turn it on and off with the R key.
Fixed a bug with the gas indicator.
Fixed bug with S-C-P achievement.

Stavronzka also opened a new entertainment club.
There's a big party at the Light House club. You may want to join.

Beer drinking animation added.
You can find a safe with beer around. You can drink these.
You can be drunk now.
Hand animations were revised in the control cabinet.
New items added (new food and coal)

Now you need to put coal in the stove before bed to warm the family.
Now you have to put food in the fridge before you go to bed to feed the family.

Supermarket renewed.
The items you started game changed.

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