Heroes of Fortunia version 0.5.1 is now live. Be sure to update the game through Steam to keep playing.
This update fixes some issues that 0.5.0 brought with itself, as well as tweak a few things here and there. We are expecting to release a second hotfix, 0.5.2, within the next few days after we collect more data from you.
Hero/Component Changes
- Wizard: Basic attack damage increased from 2 -> 3.
- B.O.U.L.D.E.R.: Now also activates when the attacker enters the Treasury room.
- B.O.U.L.D.E.R.: Now only destroys traps that block the path of heroes & minions.
Other Changes
- Enemies now contribute to the attacking hero's power bar upon engage, as opposed to on death. This means that enemies that are never part of actual combat (such as Reaper victims) will not contribute to the power bar at all.
- The "Maintain stance" functionality now prevents ALL movement.
- Adjusted the component description of several components to maintain a coherent vocabulary.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the "My Collection" tab to be rendered incorrectly on some resolutions.
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause B.O.U.L.D.E.R. to behave incorrectly in replays only.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Defense Gate to behave incorrectly in replays only.
- Fixed an issue that would cause B.O.U.L.D.E.R. to destroy a trap it was not even close to.
- Fixed an issue that would cause live attacks to appear in your attack log before the popup shows up.
Changed files in this update