1.10 (Khrushchev Update)
AI is less likely to attack random countries.
AI rarely if ever commits a single troop to an invasion.
AI behaves more conservatively in the early game.
AI less likely to challenge minor actions in countries that it considers of modest importance.
AI is less likely to risk a nuclear war.
AI more likely to challenge if the player attacks a country that it considers strategically important for it's long-term goals.
AI takes the cost of escalation into account in its decision-making process.
Ending where a nuclear launch is aborted and you are removed from power by your own generals has been removed completely from the game. While this was intended to give pause to those who would escalate every action, the new escalation mechanics perform the same function better, and nobody wants to win/lose on the basis of a low-probability outcome.
Escalating a challenge beyond a certain point now has an immediate cost of country loyalties associated with it.
Doomsday Perk now altered to affect the loyalty cost associated with escalation.
Country resource demands now range from needing anything between 20 and 50 of a given resource. The exact number is mentioned by the leader upon clicking on the country.
In cases where there are both zero local troops and zero invading troops, the country stays in a state of anarchy.
Baseline insurgency detection dropped to 20%. Tutorial figures also updated to reflect this.
Local troop quantities are now a little more realistic, based on a combination of chance and historical data, rather than complete chance.
Bugfix: Certain rare cases where a player's country collapses into anarchy yet they are able to still win the game have been resolved.
Bugfix: Resolved diplomacy edge case crash.
Bugfix: Flag button in the endgame now points to the correct nation.
Bugfix: Backing down from stationing troops in a friendly country wasn't removing the troops from the country in question.
Bugfix: Troop deployments in friendly countries weren't being mentioned in the newspaper.
Players are instructed to wait until both players have selected their perk before the game begins.
Map selection arrows made more visible.
Changed files in this update