This update features mostly upgrading and polishing of current content, along with a small number of additions.
--Patch Notes--
-Faction AI has been upgraded. Factions will now attempt to expand their territory.
-Bandit Factions: Bandits now create raiding camps outside your towns. Each bandit faction has a stronghold, destroy a stronghold to stop raiding camps from that faction.
Note - This was added last week, but I did not include any patch notes.
-Command posts are now fully functional. Building a command post will station a defensive army outside the town. Upgrade the command post to increase the strength of this army. These armies will respawn at the start of every week.
-NPC sieging has been reworked.
-Agility will now increase maximum stamina.
-Players can now remove troops from their army.
-Balance tweaks.
-Bug fixes.
Changed files in this update