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General Practitioner update for 30 April 2019

Major Update 0.0.24 is available!

Share · View all patches · Build 3781032 · Last edited 30 April 2019 – 11:40:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


WARNING: save games prior to 0.0.20 are no longer compatible. If you own a previously made save you will have to restart the game!
Save games from releases after 0.0.21 are compatible.

  • Bug fixing
  • Added some personal infos about Claudia during the first conversation with her earlier in the game
  • Added new pictures for actions throughout the game
  • Removed some savegame compatibility instructions from the "after_load" label as they were conflicting with newer settings. Therefore savegame compabitility with releases earlier and including to 0.0.20 is no longer guaranteed.
  • Added a question asking players to tell the game if Claudia was living with the Doctor before the Main Story Arc. This is necessary because the main story isn't completed and it could make this update uneffective if she is locked away from the Doctor's house due to the main story. The question will be asked when ending the main story's available content or when loading a save for the first time after that.
  • Solved a crashing bug occurring during Claudia's story (missing variable siscug_aftersex_counter)
  • Fixed an issue which had you repeat the coroner's report investigation if you started with both Erika and Claudia
  • Fixed an issue with Claudia appearing next to you watching porn even if you declined her presence
  • Fixed an issue in Kiley's exam's interview with her answering inconsistently
  • Fixed a crash in Kiley's exam's urinalysis
  • Fixed a missing image during Claudia's phone conversation about the Canada Medical Conference
  • Fixed a minor dialogue inconsistency in Sara's 2nd exam
  • Fixed Medical Board text overflowing in Kelly's exam
  • Fixed image inconsistency during one of Claudia's conversations
  • Fixed an inconsistency in Josh's 2nd exam dialogue
  • Fixed an inconsistency with Katia's 2nd exam outcome
  • Fixed a small user interface error in Claudia's file
  • Fixed a crash during the "Physician, heal thyself" chapter
  • The number of autosaves made by the game is now consistent with the number of available slots shown on screen (6)
  • Changed Main Menu:
  • Removed "Update" page
  • Added "About us" page which redirects to
  • Changed the "Preferences" text to "Settings" to match other screens thoughout the game
  • Changed behavior of the "X" icon on menu screens to resume game rather than asking to quit the game
  • Game will no longer tell the player he bought a New Beetle when he actually bought another car/bike
  • Fixed some unintended behavior with Clara's exam when asking her to undress
  • Fixed an unintended behavior when playing an instrument and/or a videogame where Claudia appears even if you still haven't met her
  • Fixed a condition where an unconscious random patient sometimes answered to questions
  • Unconscious patients won't react to you taking off their clothes in random exams anymore
  • Fixed a graphical glitch in the second page of the examination review screen
  • Fixed an incorrect behavior while examining the vitals of a random patient affected by bronchitis
  • Fixed an uncommon issue which kept Claudia's conversation in the park repeating itself every day
  • Fixed image sequence in the Doctor's dream sequence in Elisa's examination
  • Fixed an issue in "Exam Mode" which swapped Robyn and Fanny's exams
  • Fixed Fanny's Codex entry to show the right ID for her
  • Fixed a very rare bug in random exams where "Anorexia nervosa" was incorrectly given as a wrong answer
  • Fixed Male Elders' option to undress which were inconsistent with gameplay options
  • Fixed an issue in Bridget's exam not recognizing you examining her legs
  • Fixed an issue in Anne's exam not recognizing you examining her vitals
  • Fixed an issue in Anne's exam giving you the option to repeat her urinalysis indefinitely
  • Fixed a crash during female elders' random exams (missing image)
  • Fixed a rare issue in Kiko's exam that caused her to "Hate" you for no reason at the end of the exam
  • Fixed a rare issue which showed a dating option on evenings even if no one was selected as a date (this especially happened with Rita, but also with other characters albeit with an even rarer frequency


  • New Achievements have been added:
  • Like the old times!
  • Physician, Heal Thyself
  • Lecturer
  • Patron
  • Removed conversation icons in the "Joy Festival" chapter as they are meant to be present in medical exams only
  • The "Skip to next exam" and "Skip to next event" features have been removed. They were meant for the early stages of the game when content was very scarce to help skip to the relevant parts of the game, however as the game got bigger and the Random Exam Project is completed the feature became useless and bug-prone, since the game assumed some events happened without setting the proper triggers, thus resolving in abnormal behavior.
    Since this feature was never meant to be present in the final game, we decided to remove it completely to avoid game-breaking issues. Some of you might have noticed that it wasn't updated since a long time either, and no negative feedbacks have been received about that, showing the lack of interest in the feature at all.
  • A few activities have been added when you choose to stay home.
  • Play a musical instrument
  • Spend some time cooking
  • Spend some time with Claudia if she is living with the player
  • Study Medicine (moved from previous screen choice)
  • Masturbate (if vanilla mode is OFF)
  • Have a shower
  • Watch TV
  • Watch porn (if vanilla mode is OFF)
  • Relax (moved from previous screen choice)
  • Play a videogame
  • Added 10 more conversations with Claudia at home. Some will only trigger if certain choices have been made in the game.
  • The game will now recognize if you had sex with Christina
    ALL these activities have a chance to be made alongside Claudia if she is living with the player, enabling more ways to spend time with her at home. Every activity also takes some energy and gives some stat boost as well.


  • Administration personnel now grant +2 Fitness whenever they earn a success at work (from +5)
  • Norah's tantra massage and full body massage now grant +2 Charm (from +5)
  • Norah's tantra massage and full body massage now grant +2 Charm (from +5)
  • Norah's full body massage now grants +2 sexperience(from +5)
  • Norah's tantra massage now grants +2 sexperience(from +5)
  • Norah's romantic massage now grants +4 sexperience(from +10)
  • Stephen will now grant +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 charm at most during his challenge at the gym (from +3/+5/+7/+9/+12)
  • You will now lose 3 sexperience when losing a challenge against Stephen at the gym (from -5)
  • Balanced charm gain/loss during conversations with Rita
  • You will now gain +2 charm when showering at the clinic (from +5)
  • Swimming at the pool now grants you +1 Charm (from +5)
  • You will now gain 3 knowledge when studying before meeting Claudia during the investigation (from +5)
  • Removed the +15 knowledge bonus when ending Paul's examination
  • Hired doctors now grant +1 Knowledge whenever they earn a success at work (from +3)
  • Hired technicians now grant +1 Knowledge whenever they earn a success at work (from +3)
  • Hired technicians now grant +1 Knowledge whenever they earn a success at work (from +3)
  • Hired technicians now put a -2 Knowledge malus whenever they fail at work (from +5)
  • Reduced Norah's massage parlour sexperience to +3 (from +5) when you visit her with Rita
  • Blackmailing Nancy now grants +2 sexperience (from +5)
  • Sexperience earned during Kiko's sex scene in "Shady Business" chapter has been lowered to 3 (from 10)
  • Aaron and Vanessa's threesome now grants +5 sexperience (from +20)
  • Aaron and Vanessa's first sexual encounters now grants +3 sexperience (from +10)


  • No new exams have been added with this update

All of "Claudia-related" content will only play if you pursued a romantic relationship with her, whether by kissing her or having sex with her (Rita's path).
If you haven't done anything of the kind the following events won't be available on your playthrough. Please report if they still play regardless, as this means a bug is present. Thank you!

  • If you kissed Claudia or had sex with her you will be prompted to a park meeting with her to talk about it (three days after having sex or on January 10th if you only kissed her)
  • Added event "Shopping Spree" which will start after January 4th and after you completed the "Conference Invitation" conversation with Claudia.
  • Added event "Claudia's birthday dinner" which will start on February 12th and February 21st
  • Added event "Physician, heal thyself (Claudia Path)" which will start on March 31st and continue up to April 21st
    Please note that during this event the energy amount of the doctor is forced to be very low. This is working as intended as it reflects the doctor's current health and it's NOT a bug which doesn't replenish the health bar.
  • Added event "Medical Conference" which will start on December 3rd and continue on January 23rd


  • The game will end on April 30th, which marks the end of the full game. Of course only Claudia-related events are available after December, while more will be added in future updates!

Known issues:
Please refer to this link for a list of known issues:

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