Hello Scholars,
We're back to bring you an sweaty, exercise filled April update!
Swimming Pool
It's blazing hot this summer (well, it's summer here in the Philippines where we live) so why not build a Swimming Pool that your sophomore students can use for PE? Last one in the pool is a rotten egg!
Basketball Court
It's NBA playoff season right now, so it's the perfect time to add a Basketball Court to your school and watch your students shoot some hoops!
This is the major feature we have been working on for quite sometime. Student needs now have to be satisfied, otherwise they will “drop out” or basically leave your school. Open the Reports menu and click on the satisfaction button to see how satisfied your students are.
This adds a layer of challenge to the game that wasn't there before, as you can now lose student if you don't maintain your school well!
NOTE: This is a new mechanic and will need balancing after we observe your feedback. Please let us know how you feel about it in the discussion boards!
In-Game Bug Reports
To make bug reports easier, we have integrated them into the game. Clicking on the bug report button will now let you submit a bug report in-game with all the necessary logs and save files attached, so no more clicking around to find your save file!
Teacher Hiring/Department Panel Update
We made some much-needed changes to the Teacher Hiring UI to make it easier to see which teachers are good at what subject. We've also added some arrows to the teacher avatars to more easily move them from the department to the teacher pool and back!
Known Issues:
Students will sometimes use staff doors if there are no other nearby entrances/exits. Make sure they have regular doors accessible to them.
Bugs Fixed:
Fixed bug where values in Admissions Panel are erratic
Fixed tooltips in Reports Panel
Fixed crashes with big maps
Fixed bug when accepting transferee grants during the build phase
Fixed admissions bug
Fixed location of tooltips in the reports panel
Fixed objects bug when merging zones
Fixed wrong admission student number bug
Fixed zones' ambient sounds
Fixed objects orientation
Fixed in-game bug report bugs
Fixed Satisfaction reports student counts bugs
Fixed wrong dropout reason in Satisfactions reports panel
Fixed Admissions text bug
Fixed formula for getting interested students
Fixed bug with special rooms during zone removal
Fixed department panel bug
Fixed price tooltip bug
Color money in pointer when placing objects to red if player can't afford it
Added some tooltips
Updated Canteen Bench orientation
Zone labels of newly created zones now show up in front of other items
Added tooltip in admissions and admissions button blinking
Updated starting money options
Made pre-generated trees non-blockers to ease confusion
Rebalanced Satisfaction damages
Improved Satisfaction reports panel
Improved worker behaviour
dded Bowel need and behaviour to staff
Adjusted Safety need damages
Updated reports page colors
Changed littering probability
Removed long names to avoid clipping in the new HireTeacherPanel UI
Darkened year-end evaluation's congratulatory panel's background
Updated Satisfaction-related texts
Applied gameover when all students dropout
Changed priorities of character needs
Rebalanced character needs
Optimized workers behavior. Added notification when workers can't reach their tasks
Added year level in special PE zones (Pool, Track, and Court)
Changed files in this update