Dear Stormworkers,
This week's minor update adds new components for building tracked vehicles!
Three sizes of caterpillar tracks are now available. The tracks are modular and can be built to any convex shape and size by placing the various track wheels in line with each other. Drive wheels can then be used to rotate all wheels that are linked by a single track.
These wheels provide greater grip, making them ideal for off-road and large vehicles. They also open up a whole new category of vehicle types for you to experiment with!
This week's patch also includes several fixes, including some balance changes to the career research system in response to your feedback over the past week. See below for the full changelog.
Special thanks to MrNJersey for providing this week's awesome announcement gif.
Much Love <3
The Stormworks Developers
Patch Notes
Feature - Added modular tank track components (3 sizes of drive wheels and 3 sizes of regular wheels)
Fix - Rebalanced costs of several tech tree research items
Fix - Research view no longer hidden when "infinite stock" is enabled
Fix - Research view hidden when "unlock all components" is enabled
Fix - Missions no longer reward RP when "unlock all components" is enabled
Fix - Fixed research time not updating for host in multiplayer
Fix - Added confirmation dialog when beginning research
Fix - Fixed fans and underwater propellers having toggleable physics
Changed files in this update