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Raft update for 25 April 2019

Update 9.04 - Out now!

Share · View all patches · Build 3764032 · Last edited 25 April 2019 – 13:40:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Alrightyroo, we are back!

We hope you have all had a good time since we last talked and that your llamas and Cluckers have not been too evasive!

Here at the Raft HQ progress is being made each day. While it is not in an explosive manner, the team is in fact growing and we are of course putting all of this new production power into the development of Raft. We have now started focusing on adding more of a story and progress, which has been requested for a long time. We are as excited as you about adding more lore and adventure to Raft, and we will get back to this in a future dev blog.

For now, we have got an update that should hopefully make living the raft life a bit easier, both in terms of game play and optimization.


It is finally here! The latest in watering technology for rafting use. It features a water tank, a purifying thing that purifies salt water, a hose, and some more stuff! But you do not care about the technicalities, right? You want to know what it can do for you! And that is the best part. You no longer have to worry about running around with a cup to water your grass or crop plots. Just fill it up with some salty H2O and provide it with some electricity and it is up and running, letting you focus on more important tasks, like finding that last rare goat. So what are you waiting for? Get yours today!


We always try making the game run smoother to provide you all with the most pleasant adventure and building experience possible. Attached to the raft are a bunch of hitboxes that allows you to actually walk, hit and aim at stuff. While these have been necessary, we realized we could merge several of these into one to serve the same purpose, resulting in a whole lot fewer objects that need to be calculated each frame. This should result in some overall FPS gains.

Secondly, we reworked the system that handles how the raft collides with islands, and how the collision boundaries is expanded and destroyed along with you building your raft. Previously, some experienced quite some lag when placing foundations and floors on big rafts. This should now be greatly reduced.

Lastly, it should now be much smoother to destroy large buildings, as the stability system has been modified to run over several frames instead of trying to do everything in one.

We hope these changes make your Rafting life a bit easier!

Before we call it a day we wanted to mention there are two new items to find hidden somewhere in the world.

That is all from us today! Have a good weekend!


:Green_Plus: Added placeable item: Sprinkler
:Green_Plus: Added placeable item: Radio
:Green_Plus: Added wearable item: Captain’s Hat
:orwell_check: Reworked Radar system. Fixed bug where the dot would sometimes change position
:orwell_check: Removed a lot of colliders, which should result in an overall FPS increase
:orwell_check: Reworked stability system, which should remove nearly all lag spikes when destroying large parts of your raft
:orwell_check: Reworked collision system, which should remove nearly all lag spikes when building new foundations or floors on a large raft
:orwell_check: Reworked the weather profiles to look better and provide more diverse weather. There are now default, rainy, fog, calm and big waves
:orwell_check: Bug where hats were not displayed in no clip mode is now fixed
:orwell_check: Fixed bug where waking up in bed while nocliping caused the player character to walk when flying around in noclip
:orwell_check: Pickups like flowers/stone and such was not localized when being aimed at on islands. They should now display pickup name in the correct language
:orwell_check: Renamed bow crafting category so it no longer says “Basic bow” when a player has only researched a stone arrow
:orwell_check: Fixed bug where corner roofs could sometimes not be built
:orwell_check: Fixed bug where the player could get stuck after rotating a placeable which resulted in the player being able to walk but not aim
:orwell_check: Fixed exploit where you could loot floating items around islands by looting them, relogging and looting them again

64-bit Raft Content Depot 648801
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