Hello and I hope everyone had a good Easter.
Work is continuing at a good pace on the second game in the series and I hope to have some screenshots and information to show next month.
Until then, here is a minor update for Chapter 1: Settlements.
- Changed: If you obtain a book in a treasure chest that you already have 100 of, then you will gain 250c / skill level of the book instead.
This changed fixes the exploit available of being able to open a chest multiple times when you have 255 of any given book. - Changed: Many more pieces of artwork have been added to the modding list, allowing you to change them.
- Changed: Some improvements on sound memory handling.
- Changed: Health and condition information is now available on the tooltip for characters in guard posts.
- Fixed: An issue whereby crafting criticals from pets were not given boosts from beastmastery skill.
- Fixed: The tooltip information for world research skills was not showing the correct XP gain.
Changed files in this update