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Interstellar Rift update for 23 April 2019

Patch notes for Interstellar Rift BETA

Share · View all patches · Build 3761995 · Last edited 23 April 2019 – 20:10:06 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


  • added new device: Private Ship Storage
  • Resource Cost 2500 Steel, 1250 Tungsten, 500 Silicon, 1500 Crystal Vectronium
  • Can store one ship up to 250k mass
  • Mass of stored ship is added to the parent ship's mass
  • Mass 10,000 to 260,000, depending on the mass of the ship stored
  • store o tron now has a mass limit of 10,000,000
  • Previously stored ships can still be retrieved when over the mass limit, just no new ones can be stored
  • This limit is per location, so you will be able to store more ships in different storage locations
  • players can now salvage and modify other peoples ships if they have manage rights

  • ship access user list can now be searched and will show all players instead of only the ones on the ship

  • added check so the S3 Hydrogen Mining Facility does not spawn in systems without nitrogen or water.


  • cache more scenes & models on load, should decrease hiccup when encountering drones, celestial objects & ad boards for the first time


  • station shield power consumption now scales up to 10,000,000 mass from 2,500,000, with a minimum power usage of 150 and a maximum of 5000 per tick

  • small power cell capacity from 10k to 50k

  • medium power cell capacity from 100k to 300k


  • game will correctly eject players from their seats when they die or disconnect

  • offline players on a ship are now moved to the upgraded ship upon modification, so they no longer die

  • better description for batteries & enhancement cartridges

  • added several performance enhancements in the engine

  • removed hover text from item locker that asked player to open it, as it only opens on proximity

  • fix player store buying resources from player

  • add more feedback to player store

  • fix trade drones disregarding player store settings

  • query steam RSS off thread, to avoid hanging main menu

  • game now disallows multiple saves at the same time

  • game now shows system saving progress in console

  • fixed a crash on Nvidia GPUs

  • fixed issues with flak


  • servers need to be updated and restarted
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