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Capsa update for 19 April 2019


Share · View all patches · Build 3752262 · Last edited 19 April 2019 – 16:55:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

For this update we’ve overhauled the pets, taking core improvements done in our recent major locomotion update and using those same back-end systems to power the pets. We’ve also looked at AI improvements, giving all pets the ability to roam around. The standard follow-mode has been enhanced also, which now automatically get pets unstuck should they find themselves unable to reach the player.

There is also a cute selection of outfits for the cats plus some new coat patterns (including Calico and Tortoiseshell), with outfits being added to the Capsa Starter Pack DLC and Patterns going in the Pet Essential DLC. Anyone who already owns it will get these as a free update!

Second to this is significantly expanded Rohai area, plus major improvements to Rahopuru, Whakarua, Hianga, Pekanga, Paka and Kaimatara areas. Rohai features new beached shipwrecks, additional structures and a new cave complex. There are also underwater wrecks near a new coral reef.

We’ve improved the pathways so you can effectively ride a horse from Mataara all the way to Kura area now. Plus there are various improvements along the coastline in the direction of Hianga.

Thirdly is our Easter Event, can you hunt and collect all 40 Easter Egg baskets hidden around the newly expanded Rohai area? If you manage to complete that we've also added 4 new Vista Points to newly created locations as we a Locked Item to find and picklock in Hianga.

In additional to all of this, we've also included several bug-fixes to a range of reported issues over the past couple weeks, please let us know if you continue to have any issues.

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Patch Notes:


  • Added headwear for Cats including a basic hat option.
  • Added name option for Pets.
  • Added ability to rotate camera in Pet editor.


  • Added considerable expansion to the Rohai area, it includes several new buildings, beached shipwrecks, an off-shore coral reef, boat docks, new cave, campsite area.
  • Added a foot/horse path that goes via Kaimatara that allows you to travel to Rohai from Mataara without taking the tunnel.
  • Added Mataara cave entrance connecting to new Rohai Cave.
  • Added additional road connecting Mataara to Rohai via Rahopūru and Whakarua.
  • Added additional horse footpath between Rohai and Rahopūru.
  • Added improvements to Physical Materials (which generate footstep sounds) on various objects at Rohai (and other areas those items feature).
  • Added improvements to road between Paka and Whare Witi.
  • Added additional foot/horse path that goes from Rohai and skirts around to the entrance of Paka.
  • Added additional beach detail work between Paka and Hianga.
  • Added some improvements to Pekanga Gas Stations.
  • Added additional footstep sound responses from various objects.
  • Fixed collisions on various objects.
  • Fixed a cave volume issue at Karanga.
  • Fixed an inverted mesh at Pekanga Gas Station south.
  • Fixed instances that would cause Buggy to get stuck at Paka when jumping onto Beach.


  • Added various restructurings and performance optimizations for pets, this involves taking on improvements from recent major update that updated the base character class.
  • Added improvements to cat movement, including smoother turning and better animations related to specific speeds.
  • Added improved pet follow mode, this will now automatically reset and teleport pets to the player when getting stuck, getting too far away or when the player travels to an area where the pet cannot reach.
  • Added roam mode for pets, which can be triggered via the radial menu. This allows pets to dynamically move around and do various actions in the immediate area of where set.
  • Added scale adjustment to some pets, notably kittens which have been made 33% larger.
  • Added new Vista Points to discover.
  • Added an additional locked item to discover.
  • Added Easter content, such as 40 hidden egg baskets to find.
  • Added various achievements for added content.
  • Added various title rewards for added achievements.
  • Fixed various issues with audio attenuation based on character collisions.
  • Fixed various logic issues with pet shouldering.
  • Fixed an issue where you get stuck floating after lockpicking.
  • Fixed a potential issue relating to TDR on low end GPU’s relating to lockpicking.
  • Fixed various claim icon and audio range issues relating to houses.
  • Fixed an issue relating to culling distance on the Pet collar.
  • Fixed instances where character could get stuck after rewind or ragdolling.
  • Fixed instances where wrong camera was reverted after rag-dolling.

Item Store

  • Added Calico and Tortoiseshell cat patterns. This will also be added to the Pet essentials DLC and all users who already own this pack will get them as a free update.
  • Added 2 Piece Bee outfit for Cats comprising of a bee wings coat and antenna hat. This and other cat clothing in this update will be added to the Capsa Starter Pack DLC and all users who already own this pack will get them as a free update.
  • Added 2 Piece Shark outfit for Cats comprising of Shark fin coat and Shark Fin hat.
  • Added 2 Dinosaur outfit for Cats comprising of a dinosaur hat and coat.
  • Added Glow in Dark Collar for Cats.
  • Added Propeller Hat for Cats.
  • Added Pumpkin Hat for Cats.
Capsa Content Depot 588121
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