Wishlist the game and join the discord to try the closed beta!
I'm excited to say that this new update has finally released! So much is new, and the game is so much smoother to play. Quality of life fixes like improved tactic management, clearer tooltips, new music and SFX and so much more.
I can't put it any better than just pointing you at the massive list below and taking a look for yourself.
Changelog for May 10th 2019 v15
Highlights: Hero Creator, Retooled Tactics UI, Music and SFX, Options
- On first load, you can choose an archetype and name your Hero
- You choose between a strong, smart or a mystic hero
- Your Hero's Ensemble is filled with 4 other randomly generated minions
- New songs for the main screen, battle music, and prepping for combat
- New SFX for UI some elements
- New Options screen for resolution and volume levels
- New Feedback button for submitting feedback in Options screen
- Clear tactics button
- New Confirm Quit dialog, instead of instantly closing game (Alt F4 still works)
- Added new custom cursor for mousing around and over buttons and widgets, helping identify what's clickable
- New Event system is in the works. This is the start of something cool.
- Tooltips should no longer appear if the widget is behind another
- If tooltips do appear longer than they should, you can now click to close them.
- Fix typo in Ensemble status display
- Fix Kobold Archers instantly dying in combat
- Fix Kobold Spear Slingers having Acwel's profile picture
- Fix map scrolling even if you weren't mouse over it
- Fix map scrolling if you were mousing over it, but the changelog was covering it
- Fix black background on PostBattle scene
- Main map screen now shows alert level and outposts built, instead of leaving that only displayed in the Itinerary screen
- Can now right click on an Ensemble button to jump right to their equipment screen
- Can now hit ESC to close equip weapon/armor/tactics submenus in equipment screens
- Added counts on Resources in Marketplace/Pub/Armory if there was more than one stacked
- Added [X] to close all modals in the game. Can stil hit ESC to close them.
- Added tooltips to most widgets in the toplevel equipment screen
- Choosing an action for a given decision now closes the modal, instead of requiring a double click
- Toggling fullscreen with F4 now persists across sessions
- Tooltips fade in more smoothly now
- The default battle speed is slower now
- The current battle speed button is highlighted
- Tooltips animate in on top of fading in
- Tooltips now shrink to better fit their contents
- Quest button now animates a little bit so that you notice it.
- Can click the Quest button once to stop it from animating.
- Map in AllEnsemblesOverview once again has clickable location buttons, but they're now prefixed with an Information icon to differentiate between them and the Capital button
- Changed Ensemble status buttons' text into actions instead of status (ie 'embark' instead of 'resting')
- Ensemble status no longer clips with Hero name
- Improved logging on startup
As always, please wishlist the game and join the discord to try the closed beta!
Changed files in this update