- Corrected the Cost of Go’n Totems to their intended base Cost of 75 Food, 50 Crystal.
- Corrected the Damage of Settlements to their intended Damage of 15 / 20 / 25.
- Corrected the Regeneration Rate of Mystic Healing to their intended Rate of 1.
- Corrected the Food Contained by Berries to the intended 800 per patch.
Miscellaneous Improvements
- Added an additional authentication check to both ranked and unranked matchmaking in order to prevent several issues players had while queuing.
- Unit upgrading is now spread over a larger amount of frames, significantly reducing the data packages to prevent disconnects.
- Added sound effects to the active abilities of the Sabertooth, the Golem and the Ankylosaurus. Sound effects for the remaining active abilities will follow next patch.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Lava Elementals could not attack anymore after using their ability.
- Fixed an issue where Whisps could drop off Ressources at a Settlement that is still under construction.
- Fixed an issue where Supernova would still deal damage even if the Elemental was killed beforehand.
- Fixed an issue where a delayed Meteor will appear once you regain vision on a Meteor ability if losing it between the first and the second impact.
Changed files in this update