This version contains a few important fixes, compatibility for an upcoming engine update, and a reduction of the previous Outlaw buff.
Map Rotation
Added to 1v1 and Teams pool:
- Rogues River v1.2
- Shifting Sands v1.5
- Badlands 2.1
Added to 1v1 pool only:
- Izki Channel v1.0
Removed from 1v1 and Teams pool:
- EvoRTS-New_Iammas-v05
- Intersection v4.1
- Living Lands 4.1
Removed from 1v1 pool, still in Teams pool:
- Aurelian v1.0
- Outlaw damage 35 -> 30 (was 20 previously) with the corresponding change to slow damage (105 -> 90).
- Paladin manual fire now fires 12 missiles (increased from 10) to match its model.
- Raven thinks units are thinner than they are, causing it to dive lower and hit more consistently.
- Welder defaults to hold position.
- Fixed units failing to reveal themselves if they fire from behind terrain while inside an enemy units LOS range. This primarily makes buried defenses targetable.
- Fixed units with attack orders not having their attack order overridden by some commands. This mostly affected issuing reclaim orders to fighting Welders.
- Fixed a case of tactical AI not working for units on hold position.
- Blocked the ability to give gunships orders off the edge of the map.
- Zenith now gains XP and can shoot through allied shields.
Depth of Field Fixes
- Fixed issue where the autofocus would incorrectly weaken when zooming in after a certain point.
- Fixed colours blending to a mush (unfortunately this means some banding in dark regions, not sure how to fix without ruining the more pronounced circles).
- Normalized depth calculations to Spring unit distances, so blur power is no longer map-dependent.
- Fixed projectile lights rendering on top of DoF (this involved changing priority, and this seems like a blunter fix than necessary).
- Expanded blur radius limits so near-to-camera objects blend more nicely.
- Made the transition from in-focus to out-of-focus a bit smoother.
Changed files in this update