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Budget Cuts update for 15 April 2019

April 2019 patch out now!

Share · View all patches · Build 3737902 · Last edited 15 April 2019 – 08:35:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

We are happy to give y’all another round of bug fixes, improvements and more for Budget Cuts. (Full changelog at the bottom of this message.)

Improved Windows Mixed Reality support:
We have added increased support for WMR users, including proper controller graphics, tutorials and fixes for throwing not working properly on the platform. For the time being throwing will not feel quite as realistic as on Vive/Oculus and will require a slightly different throwing technique from the player. The reason for this is that implementing it in a way that is consistent with the throwing on Vive/Oculus platforms will require a more significant reworking of the current system. We still aim do this for a future patch, but for now this one will at least increase the playability for WMR users significantly.

We have implemented Unity Analytics and Cloud Diagnostics that will gather anonymous data regarding player progress, errors and crashes in Budget Cuts. This data will be used to help us improve the game. If you really hate helping us improve the game, you can opt out by pressing the new GDPR button on the left side of the Main Menu panel.


  • GDPR button added in Main Menu.
  • Unity Analytics and Cloud Diagnostics enabled.
  • Improved WMR support (controller graphics, tutorial highlights, control tweaks (snap turn with thumbstick), decent throwing).
  • Fixed faulty ceiling/floor collision in some areas of Human Resources.
  • In the rare case that a corrupt save file is detected upon loading, the game will instead generate reasonable defaults, including giving you mission critical items and reset your progress in said level. This will prevent cases such as players getting softlocked by missing screws and/or spawning outside the level.
  • Fixed russian localization in Arcade Mode score screen.
  • Fixed a few objects that couldn't be put into the inventory.
  • Fixed bullet marks rendering issue.
  • Fixed a bug that made tutorial sometimes not appear correctly.
  • Fixed negative score that occurred in rare occasions in Arcade Mode.
  • Oculus Native throwing improvements.
  • SPOILER: Refactored ADAM to fix him behaving strange at times.
Windows 64-bit Budget Cuts Content Depot 400941
  • Loading history…
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