Hey everyone!
Time for a really really exciting patch! We're excited to finally phase out any old Text objects and give you an enhanced (and expected) clearness!
- All text in the game has been replaced with a sweeter, cleaner-edged, non-blurry text.
----> This means you no longer need your bifocals to read the text anymore!
- Fixed the SFX distance issue. It was too quiet due to the closest sounds still being 10+ distance units from the Camera. This has been adjusted. Everything is louder now.
- Fixed a bug where leaving focus of the game (alt-tabbing out, clicking on another window, etc), would cause the journal to open when you click back to Knightfall.
- Removed second instance of main menu music from the main menu. #loudIsAnUnderstatement
- The sliders for Music Volume and Sound Volume now actually work!
Changed files in this update