Skyguard mode is now live! Jump into a tower defense game all fleshed out with soul-eating demons and flame circles, and a couple gravity bombs thrown in for fun. You’ll unlock Skyguard mode after you reach level 5 in Sentinels (i.e. finished the tutorial) and Onslaught unlocks on level 6.
Sentinels now has three complete game modes – Sentinels, for your tower defense/FPS hybrid fix – Onslaught, for point and shooty, and Skyguard for sitting back and thinking while watching all the pretty lights.
Lots of QoL changes in this one - improved the UI, docking ability on launching station, not to mention all the new commander abilities. Rebalanced the store and added credits back into the field – now your score is more than just bragging rights! The higher the score, the more credits you get at the end of the match.
Honestly, lost track of all the changes in this one. After starting skyguard, we just had a lot of fun fleshing out a true tower defense game. There are countless small tuning and balance changes made across the board; refraining from a proper patch notes in this one, as it would likely span the course of several novels. Instead, a brief breakdown of all the new goodies:
Added Skyguard mode (duh)
Single volley kill groups now add a bonus score
Multikill gives extra bonus
Adjustments to creep health levels
Added audio for Walkers spotting you (not white walkers, sadly)
Added map scroll speed option and reduced speed.
Adjustments to store pricing.
Booping enemies now only happens on charged boop.
Lowered power and attack speed of sniper weapon
Added level and upcoming level/reward on home screen
Shield now decreases in size after each successive hit
Updated graphics and particle indications on shield for when you have a quantum charge ready
Added support for bullet slowdown when they get close to player
And approximately 3 million small changes and optimizations.
We're focusing now on quality of life changes, updating the tutorial and help text, and tuning changes! Also naming those charming creeps and giving them a bit more personality. Onslaught VR is now in steady production again – get ready to jump into the world of Sentinels in VR, it’s gonna be awesome!
(Build ID: 3734758)
Changed files in this update