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Magic Borderless update for 12 April 2019

Magic Borderless v0.97 Update: Custom skins (themes) & Workshop

Share · View all patches · Build 3731161 · Last edited 12 April 2019 – 04:05:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Heyo, everyone!

We're back with another major update that is unlike any other updates.
With v0.97, we're adding a feature to allow customization on the visuals of Magic Borderless a bit.
This was originally intended to be Donation-only feature, but we decided to give some of it to all owners of Magic Borderless.

First, there will be two types of skins available in Workshop: Basic Skins and Premium Skins, both created by our own users that can be shared to Workshop and used by anyone.

Basic Skins give you a way to change the background of Magic Borderless and adjust a few things. Premium Skins let you control more visuals and add more custom images.

Secondly, Premium Skins can be used by anyone, but can only be customized and uploaded to Workshop by Donation DLC owners. Basic Skins can be edited or uploaded by anyone.

Lastly, we're adding a few new Donation DLCs that are cheaper than the current one available. Any one of them will unlock your ability to create, modify and upload Premium Skins to Workshop.

Our intention is not to sell more features, but open up more ways for our users to support us further and give something nice in return as a token of appreciation.

We want to make it absolutely clear here that any window management-related features for Magic Borderless will be added for free just like before. In fact, another major update is already being worked on.

Our software may increase in price as we add more features in the future, but those who already bought it will receive these feature updates for free.

v0.97 Update Notes

  • Magic Borderless now syncs Workshop mods in real-time. Restarts are no longer needed to add/update them. It will also-auto download your subscribed mods. Please note that if you unsubscribe any mod you're using (selected language or skin), it will revert to default.
  • Improved various parts of the menu UI.
  • Added Basic and Premium Skins for Workshop.
  • Added Silver and Gold tier Donation DLCs. Blue DLC is now known as "Platinum".
  • Added Basic Skin customization for everyone.
  • Added Premium skin customization for for any Donation DLC owners. Premium Skins can be used by anyone (including non-Donation DLC owners) when downloaded from the Workshop.
  • Steamworks now immediately initializes on app start.
  • Crash logs are now created before the dialog is confirmed.
  • Fixed configuration file not becoming available on rare setups with cloud software.
  • Fixed Guard Power not working properly.
  • Fixed Respect Taskbar not working when no custom sizes (including maximizing) were used.
  • Fixed rare crashes when Magic Borderless was launched too early.
  • Fixed rare crashes when the tray icon is clicked while Magic Borderless is still building the UI.
  • Fixed graphical artifacts showing up on few buttons.
  • Fixed misalignment on target monitor setups.
  • Fixed rare crashes when Magic Borderless has not enough access to processes.
  • Fixed rare, odd behaviors with the top menu where they can instantly disappear or phantom-click on one of the options, changing the settings.
  • Fixed rare crashes when Magic Borderless was quit recently, and launched again while Steam was initializing Steamworks.
  • Fixed menu not displaying a check mark on selected mod (language).

Update Notes since v0.96
These were pushed as minor updates during the previous version's life cycle.

  • App running animation is now turned off when Magic Borderless Main Lab window is inactive to save some significant performance. It will be then replaced by a green orb to indicate whether an app is running or not.
  • Added Calming Agent, which is an another ingredient that you can add to the mix. This will help some of the older games that didn't work before. (Borderlands 1).
  • Replaced app running animation with a brand new animation to avoid confusion with "loading".
  • Improved borderless algorithm a bit for games that require Calming Agent.
  • Window-Escape on Return Mode now restores the mouse position upon re-entering the area.
  • Fixed Workshop version not getting updated in real-time.
  • Fixed Guard Powder getting retroactively applied (even if they are disabled) when dealing with certain window styles.
  • Fixed Ninja Mode not properly changing colors.
  • Fixed a crash with excluded apps.
  • Fixed excluded apps getting applied with previously configured settings.
  • Fixed menu key.
  • Fixed input validation error giving out errors on older version of settings.
  • Fixed Window-Escape overlay not being set properly when the app is running on non-primary displays.

If you are enjoying these updates, please spread the word and give us a good review. It can really help us keep working on Magic Borderless further!

Always with love,

Studio Christmas.

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