Content Update!
Added the Pet System.
The first pet is the Assistant: Inspector. It's basically the floating practice dummy in the lobby but he fights for you temporarily.
Generate the assistant in the Forge and equip the item in Gear.
Pets regenerate all health and revive after entering each area. They do have limited health and can die.
After completing the stage you will have to generate another assistant and equip it again.
The intention is give newer players an option to pay some credits to make progression slightly easier (Vouchers also work). Pets will die easily in harder encounters.
General Fixes
- Allow cancel while loading for remote clients
- Junkyard random secret area is 3 times more likely to spawn
- Pressing right on the locked maps on the map screen will change difficulties if unlocked
- Removed enemy waves in Raccoon secret areas
Next up should be the Rogue character, other improvements and content.
Changed files in this update