We released a new update fixing a lot of critical bugs that snuck their way into the game in the Gear Up Update such as "enemy drillships kidnapping player" and so on.
With the fixes, we also added a new feature! If you couldn't tell from the thumbnail, from now on you can destroy just the drill of an enemy drillship to take its ability to go underground.
But remember that COGs can do the same to your drillship as well. The drill can be repaired with the repair tool just like any other module or device.
- Player no longer gets kidnapped by COG drillships
- COG Research drillships have turret ammo and turrets shoot at the player
- The ghost stone in Area 1
- Drillships bring new COGs with bigger delay
- Several typos and errors in texts
- Bug where stolen drillships from COGs can't reach the Volcano cave
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Big thanks to anyone that helped us track down these bugs!
Changed files in this update