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Archeo: Shinar update for 9 April 2019

Update #03 Note

Share · View all patches · Build 3720944 · Last edited 9 April 2019 – 06:20:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update #03 Note

1.Press Rework
Commentary: New way to spend exclusive license with guarantee effect, relations reports, Chess Club, new interface and more. We encourage you to learn more in Archeopedia or in the new tutorial.
2. Demand on the Black Market - Notification
Commentary: A notification when the player tries to click on demand when there’s no demanded artifact in the warehouse.
3. Archeopedia adjustments
Commentary: With new features Archeopedia needs adjustments. We added there everything about expedition reports, forecasts, new gazettes and so on.
4. New graphics in opponents’ bios
5. Detailed Salary Reports
Commentary: No more raw paychecks. The player will get a detailed report including every explorer and overdue value.
6. New tutorial (3/5)
Commentary: We have implemented a brand new tutorial divided into 5 parts. The fifth part isn’t released, because we want to keep it for the full release. To access the second tutorial the player needs to finish the first one.
7. Gazettes’ favours - option to go back at the stage when the player should select the target
Commentary: For TAoDJ’s favours player couldn’t go back even if there was a need to check which opponent is a threat.
8. Generation of Artifacts on expeditions changed
Commentary: The player won’t find expensive artifacts on easy expeditions, and vice versa, the player won’t find cheap artifacts on very difficult expeditions.
9. Ruthless Success - a change in the formula
Commentary: We wanted to give more credit to explorers’ skills. Overall high skilled explorers are going to find more artifacts.
10. RAG - Favours profits changed
Commentary: Sponsoring gives 9 instead of 5 items and for one favour the player can get 1 free item.
11. Attitude - Information on hover
12. Local Guide (Booster) - New Icon
13. Black Market - Demand verification
Commentary: The 3 cheapest artifacts won’t be demanded anymore. If a player needs money and decides to sell artifacts on demand, the cheapest artifacts won’t save the budget. This way there will be more space on demand for other artifacts.
14. Black Market - Sales verification
Commentary: The 6 cheapest artifacts won’t be on sale on Black Market. The reason is that there’s no point to do so. The player just doesn’t need to buy cheap artifacts.
15. Shady auction man
Commentary: There’s a shady auction man. Cuppy refers to him in the tutorial, but it’s also an indicator for the player, which shows if the player has already bid in this round.

1.Merchant Company - Stimulants’ counters fixed

Old save files won’t work with the new update!

What about the flavour text on the Expeditions?
The texts were implemented and tested, but the feature isn’t working as intended. We need to adjust it because for now, it’s just a bunch of silly comments on expeditions. We’re going to make it more immersive, divide them according to the location of an expedition and we want third flavour text on every expedition to be something more. For now, the flavour texts could get contradictory with random events, we cannot allow such a thing to happen. The feature needs more love and attention, and we are willing to spend more time on it because we feel that in its current state it’s not adding anything to the game.

What’s new about the career mode?
We’ve been working on it in the meantime, the basic mechanics for mission’s goals are ready. We are testing the feature allowing to save explorers for the next mission. We still polish the story and we are not happy about the Career Lobby interface. If everything goes well, we will be able to determine the release date.

Why there’s no tutorial 4 and 5?
The 5th tutorial (Tactics) will be released with the career mode. The content of this tutorial should be hidden from new players because it could affect the experience. It will be accessible after 4th career mission. The 4th tutorial (Shady Operations) was tested before this update (with all the others), and… it’s confusing for new players. Unlike the 5th tutorial, we don’t need to hide it from new players, but we need to improve it. It should be clear for some that ‘Shady Operations’ means the Black Market, and with the 4th tutorial we want not only to show to you that this part of the game exists, but also teach you how to use it in your strategy. However, the Black Market play depends on a lot of variables, like if the player owns a museum, does the player has enough money for the next salary or does the player know the value of an artifact on sale. Our attempt to show this delicate subject in this tutorial caused only confusion. We decided to cut it out and rework it once again. Probably we will reduce the 4th tutorial and place the extra information in the 5th tutorial or in Archeopedia. Our end goal is to create a smooth learning curve, where the player gets one tutorial after each career mission. This way we can prevent the player from failure due to the lack of knowledge about gameplay rules, but also we don’t need to push everything at once. And the implication of this is that the first missions in the career mode will be easy for the early access players, but they will be able to use their knowledge of the game to complete those missions faster.

More about Localization ->

More about Voice Over ->

With update #03 we wanted to finish the gameplay. In the future, we don’t want to change it (like we did with the press), but we are going to monitor the balance and intervene if there’s something bad happening. The game even after the full release will get our support for at least 6 months, and if any problems or bugs occurs we will fix them.
Meanwhile, we are working on career mode. To deliver you a decent story, interesting gameplay and maybe something more we need some time, but it is not going to be years. If you are waiting for the full release we are sure it’s the matter of months now. In the Early Access note, we stated that the full release will be after 3 to 6 months after the early access release, and we are working around the clock to keep this promise.


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