New Monday, new update, time to show all of you beautiful people what's cooking behind doors!
So last week we focused mostly on catching and solving bug issues that came with the archery update, but we have some interesting things nonetheless!
Row row row your boaaaaaat
- The work on rowing animations is in full swing, as we know you want to get to all those islands as dry as possible!
Quad bike
- This is still really fresh and early in the works, but we wanted to show it to you guys.
Under construction
- We are fixing some buildings that were left forever unfinished (insert early access joke), but it's fun to shoot from them.
- We are also making final preparations to start working on an Observatory.
- Again, some progress on the female characters.
Comic preview
- Here is a small snippet of the comic you will get on Friday!
Bug fixes
Fixed a ragdoll bug where on event exit you would be able to loot your body again and gain double items.
Fixed a bug where it was sometimes impossible to fill water bottles. (probably affected other things such as lighting a fire)
Fixed a bug where a chicken would give 2 guts instead of 1.
Fixed a bug where Logitech Illumination would get stuck on red flashing.
QoL additions
Added missing descriptions on compound bow sights.
Lowered car sounds a bit.
Love, BB Sipps J
Changed files in this update