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From The Depths update for 3 April 2019 released

Share · View all patches · Build 3706373 · Last edited 3 April 2019 – 19:50:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

I'm really excited to be releasing the 2.4.0 series of patches to the main branch today. These patches expand on the AI framework of the game, allowing more modular AI. They also expand on the control aspect of the game, allowing more control over your vehicle systems. The way data is saved and synchronised in multiplayer has also been reworked and this should lead to a smoother multiplayer experience. There are a load of other changes as well, so have a look at the full list below.

v2.3.2 [Add] <block>: Mimic Lead added, same stats as lead with 4 cost.
v2.3.2 [Add] <Block>: Added wedge front and back to glass, wood, and heavy armor.
v2.3.2 [Add] <Block>: Lead, Stone, and Rubber received full block variation.
v2.3.2 [Add] <Block>: Mimic Alloy added, same stats as alloy with 7 cost.
v2.3.2 [Add] <Block>: Mimic Metal added, same stats as metal with 7 cost.
v2.3.2 [Add] <Block>: New Cargo Material containers. Now you can make the perfect cargo ships! Or just have a nice large container to hold your mats.
v2.3.2 [Change] <Block>: Mimics now cost 2.
v2.3.2 [Change] <Block>: Updated Stone, lead, and rubber material.
v2.4 [Add] <AI>: Added 'Wander distance' to aerial AI so you can chose the size of the holding pattern they fly if they reach their final waypoint
v2.4 [Add] <AI>: AI naval and land AI now has the ability to hover at a specific height and control pitch
v2.4 [Add] <AI>: Some new AI modes added such as a ramming behaviour mode and a six axis stabilisation manoeuvre mode
v2.4 [Add] <AI>: You can now disable the AI PID/other control over roll, pitch, yaw, strafe, hover or propulsion
v2.4 [Add] <APS>: You can now configure how far apart the barrels of a multiple barrel APS gun (i.e. chaingun) are placed
v2.4 [Add] <Blocks>: Complete sets of rubber, stone and lead blocks added
v2.4 [Add] <Control>: Added in the initial prototype of the BreadBoard control unit- more to come
v2.4 [Add] <Control>: Balloon deployer now has much more fine control over the size (and lift) of the balloon.
v2.4 [Add] <Countermeasures>: Added radar/sonar equivalent of sticky flare(same as sonar/radar buoys but no GPP requirement, no detections and twice as powerful).
v2.4 [Add] <Countermeasures>: Heat decoy got a power slider, between 100-5000
v2.4 [Add] <Countermeasures>: New block: chaff emitter. Uses materials/sec, reduces radar signature by a flat value. Reduction scales with the third root of total materials used by all chaff emitters on the vehicle(better on small things).
v2.4 [Add] <Countermeasures>: New block: radar decoy. 100-5000 power, radar missiles have a chance to lock onto it based on power(see tooltip).
v2.4 [Add] <Countermeasures>: New block: sonar decoy. 100-5000 power, sonar torpedos have a chance to lock onto it based on power(see tooltip).
v2.4 [Add] <Countermeasures>: Signal strength scales with size and decoy count on the missile. See tooltips for more info.
v2.4 [Add] <Gameplay>: You can now change the maximum number of projectiles the game supports at any time, for all four types of projectile. Options in the Misc tab of the options menu.
v2.4 [Add] <Holograms>: Text can now be added to holograms
v2.4 [Add] <Lasers>: New block: output regulator. Attaches to the multipurpose laser, if it's present cavity drain is a % of max energy, not current.
v2.4 [Add] <Missile signal processor>: New missile component replacing IR camera: signal processor.
v2.4 [Add] <Missile signal processor>: S/M/L signal processors reduce enemy decoy missile strength to 20/15/10% of the original.
v2.4 [Add] <Missile signal processor>: Takes a full component on all missile sizes.
v2.4 [Add] <Missiles>: New block: 2x2 L hatch.
v2.4 [Add] <Missiles>: New block: single rail S launcher. 1/5 the cost of a quad rail, 1/4 weight, 1/2 health.
v2.4 [Add] <Piston>: You can edit the velocity of piston movement from the piston UI now (you no longer need an ACB to change it)
v2.4 [Change] <AI>: AI cards now provide one 'routine slot' for a 'behaviour' or 'additional' routine that is configured and saved in the AI mainframe. This change is backwards compatible with all old designs.
v2.4 [Change] <AI>: AI control has been separated into three types of routine: 'behaviour', 'manoeuvre' and 'additionals'. This allows more customisation of the AI.
v2.4 [Change] <AI>: AI PIDs reworked a little bit for simplicity
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: AI now directly controls the drives, rather than sending single frame commands
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: Each functional block can now 'respond' to inputs (such as pitch up, roll left, A,B,C,etc) in various ways/magnitudes
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: GP PIDs set to 'propulsion hover' will automatically migrate all upwards facing thrusters so that they can still control them in this new update
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: It is now possible to request hover up / hover down / strafe left / strafe right as well as five extra commands (A,B,C,D,E) and custom named commands
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: Spin blocks can now be directly mapped to respond to controls in a much more sensible way
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: The Adv Controller input keys and three drives remain unchanged
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: The GP PID controller has it's settings separated into inputs and outputs and multiple outputs are now selectable.
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: There are now two sets of player editable vehicle key mappings, one for a typical plane and one for a typical boat.
v2.4 [Change] <Controls>: Water drive and air drive have been simplified into 'primary drive' and a 'secondary drive' and 'tertiary' drive have been added.
v2.4 [Change] <Costs>: AI mainframe cost down from 400 to 300
v2.4 [Change] <Costs>: General purpose processing card cost down from 200 to 100
v2.4 [Change] <Costs>: Missile controller cost down from 100 to 50
v2.4 [Change] <Costs>: Missile stagger addon cost down from 100 to 50
v2.4 [Change] <Lasers>: Cavities now spawn full
v2.4 [Change] <Lasers>: New tooltips breaking down relevant info on cavity lines, couplers and multipurpose/combiner/optics/LAMS nodes
v2.4 [Change] <Missile HE>: Flak damage down to 80% (now 120% of the pre-rework value)
v2.4 [Change] <Missile HE>: HE/flak push force halved against missiles
v2.4 [Change] <Missile HE>: Missile HE warheads don't damage missiles, only push them
v2.4 [Change] <Missile interceptor>: Interceptor damage is now 100/200/400 for S, 500/1000/2000 for M
v2.4 [Change] <Missile interceptor>: Interceptor damage is now constant within the radius
v2.4 [Change] <Missile interceptor>: Interceptor radius down to 15m/30m for S/M, from 35/35
v2.4 [Change] <Missile targeting>: Old one treated all visible things as equal if they had 100% detection chance, with angle being the biggest factor to choose one(this meant decoys are exactly the same as any huge thing within 1000m).
New one uses signal strength(=detection range for constructs) as a base for everything (IR/radar/sonar).
Adjusts signal strength based on distance(50% at 1000m, 33.33% at 2000, ...)
Adjusts signal strength based on angle(50% at 15°, 33.33% at 30°, ...)
Checks whether or not the the signal strength is below a minimum threshold innate to IR/radar/sonar guidance components.
Chooses the best score from the signals above the threshold
v2.4 [Change] <Missiles>: Ejection angles can be changed in 1° steps
v2.4 [Change] <Missiles>: Harpoon cable strength increased by 50%
v2.4 [Change] <Missiles>: Missile magnet force down to 50%
v2.4 [Change] <Missiles>: Remote guidance GPP cost changed from 4/4/16 to 2/3/18
v2.4 [Change] <Missiles>: Shortrange/variable thruster start delay can be set in 0.1s steps
v2.4 [Change] <Missiles>: Stagger addons go up to 5s, has a slider with 0.025s increments
v2.4 [Change] <Missiles>: TPG lookahead is now capped at 5 seconds, down from 10
v2.4 [Change] <Modding>: It is now easy to mod in a new AI behaviour, routine or manoeuvre.
v2.4 [Fix] <AI>: [BUGS-647] Only non empty (or growing) resource zones are approached by the resource gathering AI behaviour now
v2.4 [Fix] <AI>: [BUGS-648] Added the 'cease movement below' slider back onto the land behaviour AI routine UI
v2.4 [Fix] <APS>: [BUGS-649] APS customisation UI tidied up a bit to stop ammo cost going offscreen
v2.4 [Fix] <Avatar>: [BUGS-654] bulkheaddoors and hatches now allow the avatar to pass correctly
v2.4 [Fix] <block>: The mirroring of Rubber, Stone, and Lead that resulted in metal has been fixed.
v2.4 [Fix] <Campaign>: [BUGS-569] dead player forces still see through fog of war- now fixed
v2.4 [Fix] <Engines>: [BUGS-595] Some illegal turbo->cyclinder and turbo->exhaust connections were previously accepted, these have been fixed.
v2.4 [Fix] <Graphics>: [BUGS-36] working on the fix of 1m sloped faces rendering black on AMD graphics card-hopefully fixed now.
v2.4 [Fix] <Graphics>: [BUGS-501] Propellers and jets now scale particle count with the Particle Factor slider in the Performance tab of the options menu. Option added to disable particles from jets and propellers etc on a block by block basis.
v2.4 [Fix] <Graphics>: [BUGS-617] Fixed duplicate reflection on the water surface after LOD switch
v2.4 [Fix] <Graphics>: [BUGS-630] on Linux some steam engine part meshes did not load due to case sensitivity issues in the filenames
v2.4 [Fix] <HUD>: [BUGS-655] Crosshair no longer drawn when HUD disabled (F9) when using wireless camera
v2.4 [Fix] <Missiles>: [BUGS-608] Now catching issues trying to load non existant missile parts- defaulting to body sections.
v2.4 [Fix] <Missiles>: [BUGS-659] Missile hatches no longer stop failsafed missiles from firing
v2.4 [Fix] <Missiles>: Missile don't spawn trails from the launch point when a delayed thruster activates
v2.4 [Fix] <Physics>: [BUGS-632] vehicles spawned from blueprint spawner now calculate their drag correctly as they repair themselves
v2.4 [Fix] <Regressions>: [BUGS-644] Water start balloon control fixed
v2.4 [Fix] <Regressions>: [BUGS-646] PAC charge time reset to 1 second after load- this is now fixed.
v2.4 [Fix] <Regressions>: [BUGS-650] Fixed an issue with steam engine propulsion crashing vehicles/warping them into space
v2.4 [Fix] <Regressions>: [BUGS-663] Piston now loads in the correct visual position again
v2.4 [Fix] <Regressions>: [BUGS-665] PID 'type' value not being synced or saved
v2.4 [Fix] <Regressions>: Fixed the migration of roll and roll reverse thrusters from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0
v2.4 [Fix] <Spinners>: In the old version insta spin speeds were incorrectly calculated when power scale was not 1. Spinners configured like this are now faster than they used to be.
v2.4 [Fix] <Steam propellers>: Propeller emission displayed when the propeller is stopped
v2.4 [Fix] <Steam propellers>: Slowdown when removing the boiler controller in a steam-propeller setup
v2.4 [Fix] <Steam propellers>: The propeller rotate when there's no boilers and the command is in reverse
v2.4 [Fix] <UI>: [BUGS-645] Console text input bar in AI UI disabled as not used
v2.4 [Fix] <Wheels>: The 'Mock Wheel' now does what it was supposed to do
v2.4 [Remove] <Wheels>: Due to change in data format wheels will forget their settings - sorry about this.
v2.4.1 [Add] <SS Godly>: Mobula Airbourne Cruiser added to fill out SS Godly aircraft arsenal.
v2.4.1 [Add] <SS Regular>: Albatross joins the airfleet.
v2.4.1 [Change] <SS Planes>: Most SS aircrafts recieved some make over. The new SS fleet is now much sleeker.
v2.4.1 [Fix] <Blocks>: Drag for wedge front and back adjusted.
v2.4.1 [Fix] <Campaign>: Serveral crafts fixed for the new ai transfer.

Windows 32-bit From The Depths Windows Depot 268651
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macOS From The Depths Mac Depot 268652
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Unused From The Depths Linux Depot 268653
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Windows 64-bit From The Depths Windows 64 Depot 268654
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Linux From The Depths Linux 64 Depot 268655
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