Some more polishing work!
- Fixed that the gun projectile would get stuck at the prison bars
- Prison bars now get translucent when you get close to them so it's easier to see the 2nd fire instructions
- Prevent jumping during Force Cube tutorial, so you realise you don't need to jump to make it spawn under you
- Translocator can now be also colored by your gun projectile
- Put a translocator into blue guy's hands for when he runs away from you
- Made flies move to the object they are attracted to instead of snapping them
- Removed electricity thing from onslaught
- Fixed that you could get into the little house next to the supraball pitch without using a combo
- Lowered ground in front of endboss coloring machine to not allow putting things on the Cube to color them
- Translocator ball always glows now when you hold it in your hand
- Fixed mom now pointing at the castle gate when she asks you to open it to avoid confusion
- Fixed tutorial labels respawning after loading the game after the tutorial is finished
- Small improvements
Changed files in this update