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Caverns: Lost Sky update for 31 March 2019

UPDATE: Patch 0.1.8

Share · View all patches · Build 3695538 · Last edited 31 March 2019 – 05:15:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update 0.1.8 Enemy AI Re-haul

Hello Everyone!

Over the past few weeks we have been working day and night to re-haul our core AI code base, which is what allows enemies to be scripted in various complex ways. The new, polished framework has allowed us to identify and fix several behavioral issues with our enemy AI.

Much of our work has been laying the foundation for an increasingly complex set of enemies. The first of these new enemies, the Acari, will be available within the next few updates! We also fixed two major bugs affecting item drops.

Voxel Script 3

The first question you might as is "Why 3.0? What happened to 2.0?". Originally, Voxel Script was a Domain-Specific-Language (DSL), with it's own custom interpreter. Near the end of Voxel Script 2.0's development, it was discovered that the latest version of Microsoft's Roslyn toolkit was fast, reliable and customizable enough to replace a DSL. In fact, the speed and reliability was so great (after some tweaks), we decided to use the Roslyn-based implementation as Voxel Script 3, skipping 2 altogether!

Additionally, Voxel Script now has Video Studio Code integration, and supports loading external scripts and content packs. This sets the stage for modding to come to Caverns in the future!

Bug Fixes

A couple of major fixes ship with this update:

  • This update fixes an issue which caused Poneroids to drop unusable tools and weapons - all drops are now usable by the player.
  • Grappling Hooks had no variability to their stats - their Range and Cooldown can now vary with quality.

To see the full list of changes, please visit 0.1.8 Patch Notes

Here at Tetravoxel Limited we would like to thank the community for all their suggestions, bug reports, and support since Caverns' release a little over a month ago. Together we hope [img][/img]to make Caverns: Lost Sky as fun, satisfying and rewarding as possible!

  • Team Tetravoxel ( :
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