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HammerHelm update for 31 March 2019

Alpha 11.0 - Another New Quest!

Share · View all patches · Build 3695413 · Last edited 31 March 2019 – 02:45:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

(click the image to see full size)

Tonight's update includes another new quest, "All Dried Up".

The Orcs have caused the wells in town to dry up. None of the homes are getting water and the townspeople are upset about it. Find the Orc's underground hideout and clear them out!

It was fun building a cave that looks lived in. Gives it a very different feel compared to the mines or regular caves. I added some hay beds and crude tables and chairs after taking the above screenshot.

When taking that screenshot I forgot that I can't block the Orc Brute's special attack so I was in for quite the surprise when I un-paused the game after taking the shot. :)

This quest is also the first quest that can affect the town benefits, in this case water. I built a system so now more quests can affect the town in similar ways, such as monsters in the sewers causing the sewers to back up, removing the mood buff for the town's cleanliness until you root the monsters out.

Windows HammerHelm Content Depot 664001
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