Added a new grenade mod, phase-conjugate, that causes grenades to shift phase right before they explode.
Added new dialog for scribes, vintners, shoemakers, and Issachari tribesfolk.
Increased feral lah HP and gave them a flabby leaf natural weapon.
Increased tumbling pod explosion damage.
We fixed some bugs with the Spread Klanq quest.
Fixed a bug that caused the Puff Spores ability to fail to work after a save/load cycle.
Fixed a bug that prevented many of the dynamic objectives of Spread Klanq to fail to complete.
The Puff Spores ability is now removed upon completing the quest.
Ice frog corpses are now butcherable for frog meat.
Puffer fungi raised as domesticated crops by villages no longer puff at those villagers.
The amanranthine prism can no longer be damaged by beating on it, nor can it be unequipped by spraying it with acid.
Tinkers now properly repair your items when you select repair from the tab submenu of the trade screen.
Canned mystery meat now occasionally shows up in the world outside of arconaut starting gear.
NPCs that are susceptible to acid now attempt to get out of acid pools.
The messaging around placing objects in containers is now more sensible.
The 'collect' liquid interaction command now acknowledges container ownership.
Fixed a bug that prevented those with photosynthetic skin from cooking with their starch and lignin.
Fixed some bugs that occasionally caused the DV penalty from paralysis to stick around after the effect wore off or that caused an additional phantom DV penalty.
Fixed a bug that caused items to improperly remain stacked when an energy cell was inserted into one of them.
Fixed a formatting issue on the Quests UI when displaying completed quest steps.
Fixed an autoexplore loop bug with water pickup.
[modding] Added a "stage6" wish, which jumps to the Pax Klanq quest sequence.
Changed files in this update