**Deep within the mountains lives the Dwarf King. He is as rich as old. He got minted of the labour of other Dwarves and of speculation on the Kingdom’s Stock Market… You all know the story of the last CGO (Collateralised Gold Obligations) crisis.
Alright, the next faction comes to the Age of Fear: The Free World. Dwarves are probably the most powerful individual units in game, moreover they can complement their forces with Constructs (Canons included!). They are also slower than other factions and their numbers are more limited. And, of course, no magic! (unless you capture a spellcaster)**
I would also like point to coming release of the Age of Fear: The Undead GOLD which is planned for early June. The Undead King Gold is a greatly expanded version of the series' very first entry, a game originally released seven years ago. This project aims to bring Age of Fear series into Open World theme! The work has entered the Beta-test phase and we plan a release for early June 2019.
In this patch we have also released the Desertion mechanic. The feature is disabled in Experimental options and we would like to ask for your help with testing and balancing it. If you are interested, please visit this post:
Take care,
Les & AOF Team
Changed files in this update