Hello, Metal Gladiators.
A new update has arrived in Heavy Metal Machines! We've just released some bug fixes and usability adjustments on the Metal League UI and more! Take notes:
Metal League:
- Fixed an issue that, in some cases, the past scores did not appear.
- Fixed an issue with stage Cards that didn't activate while the player is browsing the Metal League section.
- Also, it's solved the issue where players got stuck in the queue when transferring the group leadership to another player.
- We've just changed the information page, adding a button to the rewards page.
- Feedback added for situations of invalid group members while trying to search a match (for example, when one group member is in the end screen of a match).
- We adjusted the date format on stage cards.
- Several in-game texts improvements.
For the game in general:
- The social media buttons are back in the main menu. They’re very happy to be back.
- Texture fixed in the Friend's Chat menu.
If you experience any problems after this update, we're open to hearing from you in our Social Media, Discord, and via tickets in our Support!
See you in the arena!
Changed files in this update