Thank you everyone for downloading and supporting the game! We are going to keep updating the game and bug fixing it. This is the list of things we fixed and improved for our first patch.
- Added Radial Edge Blur on riding Rails
- Adding Particle LODs
- Analytics added
- Asset collisions tweaked
- Asset tweaks
- Collision updates
- Disabled multiple animation ticks when out of player range
- Disabled multiple object ticks
- Editing LODs for assets
- Material Optimizations
- New assets added
- Pillar Lights BP updated
- Pylon animation and timeline optimizations
- Pylons no longer animate when the player is out of range
- Pylon optimizations
- Rail BP updates
- Removed unused blueprint code
- Speed gates have new meshes and materials
- Various other BP tweaks
- Various other bug fixes
- Added a stop velocity box above the arena in case the player is launched too far upward
- Credits now displayed 10 seconds after the boss is defeated instead of 15
- Fade distance on lights changed
- Kill volumes moved and edited
- Lights in level tweaked
- Map updates
- New debris blueprint created and added throughout level
- Siloam tower center ring strut split into playable and deco collision versions
- Added functionality to ignore look input when using anim camera
- Added functionality to switch between Gameplay & Anim cameras
- Adding invulnerability for a short period after respawn
- Airtime variable added to grapple component
- Animation improvements
- Camera bugs fixed
- CameraController tweaks
- Character optimizations
- Energy now given to player when attacking weakpoints with the dagger
- Healing Energy bug fixed
- Heal time tweaked
- Inputs now disabled when respawning
- New respawn animation added
- Player can now properly stand on the Goliath
- Pushback function added to grapple component
- Added new material for Riven weakpoints
- Changes to wrecking ball, different collider for movement, increased damage radius, randomize velocity on hit
- Drone behavior tweaked
- Drone optimizations
- Editing collision so the player can’t get stuck under the Riven’s legs
- Fixed animation bugs
- Fixed bug that caused the Cannon pylon to not activate when the Goliath shield goes up
- Fixed bug that caused the Riven to dance endlessly
- Fixed bug that caused the Riven to not reset when the player dies
- Fixed bug that caused the Riven to reset intermittently
- Fix laser interrupt bug
- Fixed Riven collision after shield break
- Hit anim montages tweaked
- Jericho meshes now randomized
- Laser attack can now be interrupted
- Laser behavior tweaked
- Modified Riven respawn behavior when player dies
- Other wrecking ball updates
- Riven attack ranges tweaked
- Riven behavior tweaked
- Riven hit animations randomized
- Weakpoint BP updates
- Wrecking ball damage system tweaked
- Added pylon activation sounds
- Character damage sound effects changed
- Fixed Thruster doubling SFX bug
- Footsteps volume lowered
- Healing sound effect added
- New voiceovers added
- New sounds attached to animations
- Remixed coin pickups and footsteps to make it so they are quiet but not changed by dynamic mix
- Riven footstep sounds tweaked
- Sound prioritization changes
- Various other sound mixing tweaks
- Various other volume tweaks
- Checkpoint activation text now displaying on HUD
- HUD hidden when respawning
- Menu tweaks
- Riven health bar hidden when pausing game
- Riven health replaced with new UI assets
- Subtitle option disabled until subtitles work
- UI optimization
- Visor effects added