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Stream Avatars update for 25 March 2019

v6.21 Stream Avatars Battleroyale!

Share · View all patches · Build 3676526 · Last edited 25 March 2019 – 21:10:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-ADDED !Battleroyale command! Winner gets 500 currency by default  
-ADDED death overrideable animation  
-ADDED spawn overrideable animation  
-ADDED despawn overrideable animation (toggle option for disabling this too)  
-ADDED bomb overrideable animation  
-ADDED Bot Options toggle for disabling the new despawn explosion animation  
-ADDED bit amount limit for message/cmd output

-CHANGED avatar state machine remade completely (should allow making new content easier)  
-CHANGED duel to be more awesome with a finishing animation!  
-CHANGED duel randomness so the first attacker is a 50% chance  
-CHANGED duel nametags so the current attacker will float above the victim  
-CHANGED duel box to push avatars only instead of acting as ground  
-CHANGED default "none" ground height set to 0 for new users  
-CHANGED nametag hide option to be in seconds instead of minutes  
-CHANGED default nametag stacks set to 3  
-CHANGED hide nametag timer from minutes to seconds.

-FIXED bug with user talking sound not running if the icon was disabled.  
-FIXED nametags would get bugged and stop showing in some situations  
-FIXED nametags from appearing poppy and glitchy with a lot of viewers  
-FIXED nametags so when you pick up an avatar, the nametag is shown no matter what  
-FIXED some more twitch irc bugs  
-FIXED avatar running in place by attacking yourself  
-FIXED nametags disappearing in cases they shouldn't  
-FIXED memory leak that was reintroduced *oops*  
-FIXED a problem with twitch irc problem  
-FIXED twitch subscriber event when months=0 it does not replace text.  
-FIXED if avatar width or height is divisible by 2 and gear is not(or vice versa), gear is automatically shifted .5 to line up pixel perfect  
-FIXED floating up the sidewalls bug  
-FIXED youtube reconnection problem  
-FIXED twitch reconnection problem  
-FIXED jump catch game custom image was being tinted yellow  
-FIXED window resize rt bug  
-FIXED localization bug with hardcoded values matching different langauges returning to default.  
-FIXED localization bug with input words not working if containing capitalization  
-FIXED localization bug for purchasing actions  
-FIXED localization shop outputsuccess#5  
-FIXED !sling when avatar is facing left and no parameters are added for power and angle  
-FIXED a graphical issue if avatar's position's decimal place is exactly .25 or .75, there's pixel warping  
Windows Stream Avatars Depot Depot 665301
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macOS Stream Avatars Mac Depot Depot 665302
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