-ADDED !Battleroyale command! Winner gets 500 currency by default
-ADDED death overrideable animation
-ADDED spawn overrideable animation
-ADDED despawn overrideable animation (toggle option for disabling this too)
-ADDED bomb overrideable animation
-ADDED Bot Options toggle for disabling the new despawn explosion animation
-ADDED bit amount limit for message/cmd output
-CHANGED avatar state machine remade completely (should allow making new content easier)
-CHANGED duel to be more awesome with a finishing animation!
-CHANGED duel randomness so the first attacker is a 50% chance
-CHANGED duel nametags so the current attacker will float above the victim
-CHANGED duel box to push avatars only instead of acting as ground
-CHANGED default "none" ground height set to 0 for new users
-CHANGED nametag hide option to be in seconds instead of minutes
-CHANGED default nametag stacks set to 3
-CHANGED hide nametag timer from minutes to seconds.
-FIXED bug with user talking sound not running if the icon was disabled.
-FIXED nametags would get bugged and stop showing in some situations
-FIXED nametags from appearing poppy and glitchy with a lot of viewers
-FIXED nametags so when you pick up an avatar, the nametag is shown no matter what
-FIXED some more twitch irc bugs
-FIXED avatar running in place by attacking yourself
-FIXED nametags disappearing in cases they shouldn't
-FIXED memory leak that was reintroduced *oops*
-FIXED a problem with twitch irc problem
-FIXED twitch subscriber event when months=0 it does not replace text.
-FIXED if avatar width or height is divisible by 2 and gear is not(or vice versa), gear is automatically shifted .5 to line up pixel perfect
-FIXED floating up the sidewalls bug
-FIXED youtube reconnection problem
-FIXED twitch reconnection problem
-FIXED jump catch game custom image was being tinted yellow
-FIXED window resize rt bug
-FIXED localization bug with hardcoded values matching different langauges returning to default.
-FIXED localization bug with input words not working if containing capitalization
-FIXED localization bug for purchasing actions
-FIXED localization shop outputsuccess#5
-FIXED !sling when avatar is facing left and no parameters are added for power and angle
-FIXED a graphical issue if avatar's position's decimal place is exactly .25 or .75, there's pixel warping
Stream Avatars update for 25 March 2019
v6.21 Stream Avatars Battleroyale!
Patchnotes via Steam Community
Some depots below may not display changed files because our bot does not own the specific depot or game.
Game can be donated with a key, by sending a gift, or using curator system.
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Changed files in this update