Once a game ends, the relevant Leaderboard for the mode and settings that you have played on will be shown, alongside other players' scores, IF you are playing any of the built-in (not user) levels, AND worth submitting! (ie. at least 75% efficiency in BLITZ mode, etc)...
NOTE:- ALL of the leaderboards for ALL combinations of BLITZ TIME & final efficiency rating are in place, for ALL of the built-in levels so far! - 40 or so... :D ...Plenty of challenge there! - Obviously, in time there will be the promised level packs, but we may well run out of the 10,000 leaderboards I can have in my game, when that happens! (ie. 40 levels so far, TIMES 8 possible time settings TIMES 10 possible efficiency ratings (75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 96%, 97%, 98%, 99% and 100%)... 3,200 just for these so far, Phew!
You can click the button at the bottom to switch between these, and close the Leaderboard display to see endgame stats again, by using the 'X' button in the top left of the Leaderboards window, (not the top-right-most EXIT game icon! ;) )
I've also added a basic 'Autograb' option in the SETTINGS screen, as per STEPHEN DEDALUS' suggestion :) , for grabbing your pieces automatically in BLITZ and single or Vs. player UNTIMED modes (autograbbing and starting your timer in competitive TIMED modes doesn't make much sense! ;) )...
It works fine, BUT, I intend to 'shoot' the piece across to your cursor if enabled, and then show the NEXT piece in the tray, while you're placing THIS piece, as per another player's suggestion - can't find which player atm, might have been Vince!
Also added a lot more stuff, plus a few under the hood fixes (ie. So you still get to keep all of your score or have time bonuses count still, if the game is a split-second from ending, etc), and a bit more bling to the Blitz bar, amongst other things!
Give it a whirl!
PS - Mrs. Japster has been busy setting some real world Blitz scores! - Try to beat hers!
Changed files in this update