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It Lurks Below update for 19 March 2019

Patch notes for EAv0.03.18a

Share · View all patches · Build 3658524 · Last edited 19 March 2019 – 01:10:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Wizard Ancient Skill-Trees:

  • If you are a wizard, all of your ancient items have been reset and your gold refunded.
  • The Wizard class ancient items now have skill trees associated with them. Access the skill tree by using 'e' (interact).
  • Every ancient item has 10 nodes to select from. Each node can have anywhere from 1 to 8 ranks. This will create a lot of build-types.
  • Right now, all ancient nodes cost 1 gold. THIS WILL NOT BE THE CASE FOREVER. This is to encourage experimentation with the trees. Respecs should be cheap.
  • Each node/rank will also 1 ancient orb. You get one ancient orb per level so 100 total nodes/ranks can be taken.
  • The base node (topmost) has a level requirement. I don't know if this will always be the case, but I had to put this because the later ranks are very powerful. They were going to be expensive, but are 1 gold right now.

The next class to get the ancient skill-tree update will be Warrior. I will be spending a few days on other features and gather feedback on Wizard before starting.


  • All of your survival talents have been reset and your points refunded.
  • I have finished the Chicken Livestock nodes in the survival talent tree.
  • I have added the technology to have multiple copies of a building. This is used with the chicken coop, but will apply to other things in the future.
  • I have turned Cloud Saves back on. I hope the patch works...
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