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Pocket Rogues update for 17 March 2019

Update 1.24

Share · View all patches · Build 3654052 · Last edited 17 March 2019 – 13:15:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

In the new update you will see:

  • [Generation] Added new monsters: Ghoul, Fat Man and shooting statues (Statue-Guardian)
  • [Gameplay] At the beginning of a new game (after passing tutorial), the player will be asked to choose one of three starting classes
  • [Gameplay] Improved items now have a special outline, the color of which corresponds to their quality (on the floor and in the inventory)
  • [Gameplay] All pets got special passive skills: The Dog is now immortal (but can be stunned), Lynx out of combat collects gold next to the character, and Golem can stun the enemy with a blow
  • [Gameplay] Characteristics of pets "Attack speed" (due to its low efficiency) replaced by a new one - "Defence". All skill points spent on Attack Speed are returned to the host characters
  • [Gameplay] A dash can now be made even with a lack of mana, but the animation will be replaced by an alternative (short dash). Mana cost per dash slightly reduced
  • [Misc] The appearance of pets now depends on their level and changes as you level (at levels 10 and 25)
  • [Misc] Added pet characteristics screen, displayed before purchasing them, similar to mercenaries
  • [Misc] Added the ability on the PC to change the binding of the movement buttons
  • [Misc] When playing on a PC, you can now quickly put on / use items in your inventory by right-clicking
  • [Misc] When playing on a PC, you can now quickly throw items in the inventory by pressing the middle mouse button (LShift + middle mouse button to destroy item)
  • [Misc] Added a lot of new music tracks and sound effects
  • [Misc] Disabled reset of settings after loading saved progress
  • [Misc] Replaced some of the animations of Dog, Lynx, and Maimed Wolf
  • [Misc] A new class of creatures has been introduced - Mechanisms (Training Dummy, Statue-Guardian)
  • [Misc] When transferring progress, achievements and scores are now also saved
  • [Misc] Many small visual improvements
  • [Settings] Added the "Other effects" toggle, which is responsible for creating particle effects when containers are broken and arrows hit the walls
  • [Balance] Added "Defence" for all pets and slightly increased their basic characteristics
  • [Balance] The cost of buying all pets increased (from 50 crystals to 100)
  • [Balance] Hunter's skill "Crossbow Volley" will not work if a character does not have enough mana
  • [Balance] Reduced damage bonus for amplified ("green") monsters
  • [Balance] Regular ("quick") attacks are penalized for effectiveness if the creature does not have enough mana, but the animation plays as before
  • [Balance] Increased damage taking animation duration
  • [Balance] The chance of triggering an animation of taking damage is increased for monsters that the player is attacking in melee
  • [Balance] Increased the effectiveness of enchantments "Burning" and "Poisoning"
  • [Balance] The effect of poisoning overlaid with Witch shots is slightly weakened
  • [Balance] A number of minor edits of monster characteristics
  • [Fixed] Quests could be duplicated after completing them and receiving a reward
  • [Fixed] When overcoming a certain value of attack speed, the speed began to decrease
  • [Fixed] Increasing the pet level of one character could lead to higher levels for other pets as well
  • [Fixed] Skill "Killer Step" did not move the character
  • [Fixed] The Death Breath could arbitrarily interrupt its action when a character takes damage
  • [Fixed] Score was saved incorrectly when saving to dungeon
  • [Fixed] The music could stop playing in the dungeon and did not change when changing locations (for example, when entering the Camp or when entering the Ambush)
  • [Fixed] A fast berserk attack could be detected incorrectly
  • [Fixed] Screen resolution could be reset when switching to the start screen and between floors
  • [Fixed] Many small fixes
Pocket Rogues Content Depot 946611
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