First fixes published, more info bellow: - 15.3.2019 20:00 CET
-Default language to auto-detection instead english
-Improved auto detection of language - 16.3.2019 23:00 CET
-Added Support of 4:3 resolutions to Config App
-Removed auto-purchase resources for factories/power plant (seems this not good solution), but this functionality was preserved on shops, pubs and gas stations
-Fixed crash when deleting road
-Fixed another crash when deleting road
-Fixed crash when building a railways with construction train sets
-Various crash during loading fixes, but I'm sure not all, but many...
-If you got problems with electricity, bad/long number at voltage, hold for a moment same time key E+L+C to reset it.. just for hotfix.. I will investigate issue more, any info what need to be exactly done to reproduce are welcome!
I will continue to check all issues, sorry about problems. If something going wrong with this update.. let us know!
Changed files in this update