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Mad Machines update for 15 March 2019

Veteran Players Beware, The Newbies Are Coming For You!

Share · View all patches · Build 3651375 · Last edited 15 March 2019 – 22:55:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

With our third patch of the week we are bringing you an awesome new beginner feature, UX updates, and bug fixes! If you're a beginning player read ahead to learn all about the new Hit Aid feature that should help all the new players out there.

The All New Hit Aid Feature

Hit Aid is a new magnet augmentation that should make the magnet feel much more natural for newer players. This new feature makes it so that the ball magnet will not turn off until you release an attack, stopping those moments where you turn too fast and lose the ball. This makes some more advanced mechanics impossible meaning more experienced players may not want to use this feature, but it can help everyone! This feature is disabled in the ranked playlists so that everyone is on a level playing field where it truly matters.

Leaderboard Updates

Our leaderboards should now be calibrated to include all your ranked play correctly, so now you can know who is truly the best. The number 1 spot is hotly contested so get to grinding, because how many people will be able to say they were the number one Mad Machines player in the preseason?!

Bug Fixes

As always, this patch comes with general bug fixes so that you guys are playing the best game possible. We've pushed out a lot this week, so hopefully there's tons of new stuff to play around with if you've been gone for a while. You can find our full, more specific patch notes below.

  • Added the new Hit Aid feature
  • Locker section of the shop
  • Leaderboards update to include correct ranked sorting and using correct ranking setup
  • Update to UX for unlocking ranked play with new pop up
  • General UI fixes and updates
  • Jumping while strafing movement bug has been fixed
  • "No one playing" information not updating on the game mode selections
  • Info button in MP mode buttons fixed
  • New sounds

Come talk with us!
Have some suggestions on additional improvements or looking to learn more about Mad Machines? Please join our Discord server as we will continue to leverage community feedback to improve the game.
Play Mad Machines for free on Steam: Store Page
Play Mad Machines for free on Discord: Store Page

Windows 64-bit Mad Machines - Win64 Depot 611261
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